Open-like interface to globus remotes

globus, ssh, open
pip install glopen==0.0.12



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Open-like context managers for remote globus files.

glopen(filename, mode, endpoint):

  1. Creates a temporary file
  2. [On a read mode:] Transfers the remote file to the temporary file
  3. Yields the open temporary file
  4. [On a write mode:] Transfers the temporary file to the remote file
  5. Deletes the temporary file

glopen_many(filenames, mode, endpoint) takes a list of filenames and yeilds a list of open files. The remote copies are grouped into a single globus transfer, improving performance for small files.


>>> from glopen import glopen
>>> with glopen("path/to/remote/file.anything", mode="r",
                endpoint="globusid#endpoint") as f:
...     lines = f.readlines()

>>> from glopen import glopen_many
>>> files = ["file1", "file2", "file3"]
>>> with glopen_many(files, mode="w", endpoint="globusid#endpoint") as fs:
...     for f,d in zip(fs,d):
...         f.write(d)


glopen is on the Python Package Index (PyPI):

pip install glopen

It depends on globussh, a light-weight wrapper around the globus SSH interface. Your local machine must be a globus endpoint, so you can either run Globus connect personal or Globus connect server.


glopen transfers files to and from a temporary directory on your local machine, so it needs to know the machine's endpoint name and a directory that globus can access. You tell glopen the endpoint and temporary directory in a ~/.glopen config file:

  "local_endpoint" : "<globusid>#<endpoint_name>",
  "tempdir" : "/home/<username>/tmp"