
Gluster Log parser

gluster, tool, logs
pip install glusterlog==0.2


Utility to parse Gluster Log files


pip install glusterlog


gluster-log-colorize: To colorize the log lines

cat /var/log/glusterfs/glusterd.log | gluster-log-colorize
grep "MSGID: 106143" /var/log/glusterfs/glusterd.log | gluster-log-colorize

To colorize entire log file and then open using less

cat /var/log/glusterfs/glusterd.log | gluster-log-colorize > /tmp/glusterd_color.log
less -R /tmp/glusterd_color.log

gluster-log-json: To convert log lines to json

grep "MSGID: 106143" /var/log/glusterfs/glusterd.log | gluster-log-json

Above command will convert every line as independent json object, if we want a single json file then use --single-json

grep "MSGID: 106143" /var/log/glusterfs/glusterd.log | gluster-log-json --single-json > /tmp/glusterd_msgid_106143.json

Use as library

from glusterlog import parse

parsed_data = parse(log_line)
print parsed_data

Parsed data object contains following information,

known_format - True|False, Use this to find parse is successful or not
ts           - Timestamp
log_level    - Log Level
msg_id       - MSG ID
file_info    - File, Line and function information, For example: "event-epoll.c:602:event_dispatch_epoll_worker"
domain       - Log domain
message      - Log Message
fields       - Dict with key value pairs if structured logging is used


To find how many times Geo-replication worker is started/restarted between Time1 and Time2. The example scripts look for Geo-rep log message like below to get necessory information.

[2017-07-06 10:01:18.680167] I [monitor(monitor):280:monitor] Monitor: starting gsyncd worker   brick=/bricks/b1        slave_node=ssh://root@f241:gluster://localhost:gv2
[2017-07-06 10:01:18.719711] I [monitor(monitor):280:monitor] Monitor: starting gsyncd worker   brick=/bricks/b2        slave_node=ssh://root@f241:gluster://localhost:gv2

Example script

import sys

from glusterlog import parse

time1 = sys.argv[2]  # Second argument
time2 = sys.argv[3]  # Third argument
msg = "starting gsyncd worker"

count_data = {}
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
    for line in f:
        data = parse(line)
        if data.message == msg and data.ts >= time1 and data.ts <= time2:
            brick = data.fields.get("brick", None)
            if brick is None:

            if count_data.get(brick, None) is None:
                count_data[brick] = 0

            count_data[brick] += 1

    print "{0:20s} Number of Restarts".format("Brick")
    for k, v in count_data.items():
        print "{0:20s} {1}".format(k, v)

Example usage of above script,

$python /var/log/glusterfs/geo-replication/gv1/ssh%3A%2F%2Froot%40192.168.122.208%3Agluster%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3Agv2.log 2017-07-06 "2017-07-06 10:34"

Example output:

Brick                Number of Restarts
/bricks/b1           2
/bricks/b2           2