
Automatically adjust GnuCash transactions for envelope budgeting

GnuCash, budget, YNAB
pip install gnucash_autobudget


GnuCash Autobudget

NOTE This program is under development and doesn't work yet. Strangely enough, the README is fairly complete, though. Sorry! I'm not sure when I will continue development. If you want to get involved, send me a message!

UPDATE 2017 I've started using hledger with hledger-rewrite for my accounting and budgeting, so I won't continue working on GnuCash Autobudget. Sorry! Feel free to take over the code.


You need the GnuCash Python bindings installed on your computer. If you've installed GnuCash through the package manager, you probably already have them. If you're not sure, just try to install GnuCash Autobudget and it will complain if it can't find the bindings.


$ pip install [--user] gnucash_autobudget
$ easy_install [--user] gnucash_autobudget
$ git clone
$ cd gnucash_autobudget
$ sudo python install


$ gnucash_autobudget in.gnucash out.gnucash

This will create a file out.gnucash which is the same as in.gnucash except that the transactions for which it applies will have budgeting entries added to them.


I had been using YNAB for my personal finances, but got fed up, because it doesn't support accounting in multiple currencies. So I switched to GnuCash, which does support accounting in multiple currencies, but doesn't have a special function for envelope budgeting (zero-sum budgeting, YNAB budgeting). However, coming from YNAB, envelope budgeting is quite important to me.

Searching the web, I found several implementations of envelope budgeting in GnuCash, but those that appeared 'clean' required some manual transaction splitting. This is tedious, especially when your transactions are already bloated with currency adjustment data.

So I take the in my opinion cleanest (I don't know much about accounting, though) method of envelope budgeting with GnuCash and use GnuCash Autobudget to automatically add budgeting entries to transactions.

Account setup

Please read the Reddit post linked above first and create some transactions according to that method, so that you get a feel for it.

GnuCash Autobudget expects a setup similar to the one shown there:

Assets                      asset
    Cash                    asset
Expenses                    expense     mandatory
    Daily                   expense
        Groceries           expense
        Beer                expense
        Transportation      expense
    Monthly                 expense
        Rent                expense
Budget                      asset       mandatory
    Budgeted Funds          liability   mandatory
    Available to Budget     asset       mandatory
    Daily                   asset
        Groceries           asset
        Transportation      asset
    Monthly                 asset
        Rent                asset

For GnuCash Autobudget to work, you must have the mandatory accounts and they must have the same name as listed above. The other accounts are only for illustration and you can structure and name them as you want. Note, though, that GnuCash Autobudget relies on the correspondence of subaccount names under Expenses and Budget. Namely…

GnuCash Autobudget only looks at subaccounts of Expenses that have a corresponding subaccount in Budget. So for example, Expenses:Daily:Groceries corresponds to Budget:Daily:Groceries. If there is no corresponding subaccount for an account in Expenses, GnuCash Autobudget will ignore it. For example, it will ignore Expenses:Daily:Beer.

What does it do?

When GnuCash looks through those accounts, it looks for transactions that don't have a budget entry. Like this:

#                          debit  credit
Expenses:Daily:Groceries   100
Assets:Cash                       100

It then adds budget entries to them:

Expenses:Daily:Groceries   100
Assets:Cash                       100
Budget:Budgeted Funds      100
Budget:Daily:Groceries            100

That means you can record your transactions as usual and GnuCash Autobudget adds the obvious information, so that your budgeting accounts will show the right information. Of course, GnuCash Autobudget won't touch transactions that already have a budget entry.

Split transactions

GnuCash Autobudget can also deal with split transactions. Input:

Expenses:Daily:Food        70
Expenses:Daily:Drink       10
Assets:Cash                       80


Expenses:Daily:Food        70
Expenses:Daily:Drink       10
Assets:Cash                       80
Budget:Budgeted Funds      80
Budget:Daily:Food                 70
Budget:Daily:Drink                10

Multi-currency splits work, too. Input:

#                                debit  credit
Expenses:Daily:Groceries         2 €
Currency Trading:CURRENCY:JPY    250
Assets:Cash:Yen                         250
Currency Trading:CURRENCY:EUR           2 €


Expenses:Daily:Groceries         2 €
Currency Trading:CURRENCY:JPY    250
Assets:Cash:Yen                         250
Currency Trading:CURRENCY:EUR           2 €
Budget:Budgeted Funds            2 €
Budget:Daily:Groceries                  2 €

Wish list poll

There are some GitHub issues labelled wish list. They denote things I might implement in the future. You can encourage me to implement a certain feature by commenting on the issue. Of course, you can also add items to the wish list.

Copyright and License

See LICENSE.txt.