
Golang Enhancements to virtualenv

pip install govenv==0.2.1


golang for virtualenvwrapper

Very simple, effective go virtual environments that work directly with
python's virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper.

How does it work?

It's just a virtualenvwrapper extension!

If you are already using that, just

  $ pip install govenv

And next time you make a virtualenv by using ``mkvirtualenv`` it will create
a ``gopath`` directory in your venv folder to hold all your golang source.
Now, whenever you activate that it will set your ``GOPATH`` and ``PATH``,
and return it to its previous setting when you deactive.

We also add an alias, if you don't have it:

  $ gohere

Which will add your current working dir to the end of the ``GOPATH`` (useful
for testing local code during development.

It's extremely simple, you should just look at the source:
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