
For every vertex in a graph, this code efficiently finds its K nearest vertices from a particular subset of "special" vertices.

graph, knn, dijkstra, shortest, path
pip install graphknn==1.0.0b1


PyPI version

Graph KNN Python module

Given an undirected graph and a set of terminal (or seed) vertices T, this python package finds, for every vertex, its K nearest neighbors from the set T.


pip install graphknn


The main functions are graphknn.algorithm1(W, mask, k) and graphknn.algorithm2(W, mask, k). Both algorithms have the same interface with slightly different implementations. Input:

  • W: n x n matrix of edge weights, of type scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.
  • mask: boolean array of length n indicating which vertices belong to the terminal set T.
  • k: how many nearest neighbors to find for each vertex.


  • knn: this is an array of size n such that knn[i] is a list of up to k pairs of (distance, terminal_vertex_index). Note that knn[i] is not sorted.

Algorithm 1 is simpler whereas Algorithm 2 has tighter runtime guarantees. We have seen cases where algorithm 1 is faster than algorithm 2 and vice versa, so try both on your data and choose the faster one.


import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import graphknn

def build_sparse_undirected_nonnegative_csr_matrix(n):
    W = np.random.random((n,n))
    W = W + W.transpose()
    W[W < 1.5] = np.inf
    return scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W)

def test_graphknn():
    N = 10
    p = 0.5 
    k = 3
    W = build_sparse_undirected_nonnegative_csr_matrix(N)
    mask = np.random.random(N) < p

    print('Graph edges:')

    print('Terminal indices:')
    print(mask.nonzero()[0], '\n')

    result = graphknn.algorithm1(W, mask, k)

    print('K nearest terminal indices of all vertices:')
    for i in range(len(result)):
        print('result[{0}]:\n{1}'.format(i, sorted(result[i])))



A simple solution to the problem of finding the k nearest terminal vertices is to run Dijkstra's algorithm from each of the terminal vertices, forming a |T| by |V| matrix. Then for each vertex i we examine the i-th column of the matrix and pick the k nearest cells (this can be done efficiently using Hoare's selection algorithm). The runtime of this method is O(|T||V|log|V| + |E|). However, this approach is wasteful, since it spends a lot of time finding irrelevant shortest paths from terminals to vertices that are very far from them.

This module implements a faster approach that can be described as performing |T| Dijkstra runs in parallel combined with an early stopping rule that prevents unnecessary traversals. This stopping rule simply stops exploring vertices once we have found shortest paths from k different terminals.

For more details, including a proof of correctness and runtime bounds, see Section 4 and Appendix B of our paper:

Amit Moscovich, Ariel Jaffe, Boaz Nadler Minimax-optimal semi-supervised regression on unknown manifolds, AISTATS (2017).

Please cite our paper if using this code for your research.