A simple tool for managing repositories located accross various git sources (e.g gitlab/github/unix boxes).

git, github, gitlab, ssh, cli, console, management
pip install gt==0.3.04



A command line tool to manage git repositories across different providers and accounts.


To provide a simple tool for quickly creating private git repos 'in the cloud' wherever that may be.

To provide emancipation from the sea of proprietary high fructose css bullshit you don't need 99% of the time.

  • gt init gh/project_name bootstraps your next project.
  • gt ls gh lists your current github projects
  • gt ls gl lists your current gitlab projects
  • gt rm gh/project_name removes 'project_name' from github


Requires python 3.

pip3 install gt should do the trick, or else python setup.py install from source.


A tool to manage personal git repos from various 'sources'. A source might be:

  • A directory on your local file system.
  • A git service provider like gitlab or github.
  • A remote box to which you have ssh access


Create ~/.gtrc and populate it with sections of the following form

[<source name>]

type=<git source>

where <git source> indicates the source type.

Supported sources at the time of writing include:

- gitlab (the service)
- github
- ssh (An ssh-able Unix box containing a directory full of repos)

Supported Git Sources

  • Github

    • Use the URL below to generate an API token ensuring that all permissions under 'repo' and 'repo_delete' are checked.


    • Add the generated token under the relevant section in your ~/.gtrc as 'api_token'.

    • Note that unless you have a paid account you won't be able to create private github repositories using 'create' or 'init' (gitlab is recommended as a good free alternative). You can however still use the --public flag to create new public repos.

    • Ensure your local SSH key has been added to your github account so you can push to new repositories you create.

  • Gitlab

    • Use the URL below to generate an API token ensuring that 'api' is checked.


    • Add the token under the relevant section in your ~/.gtrc as api_token.

    • Ensure your local SSH key has been added to your gitlab account so you can push to new repositories you create.

  • SSH

    • Ensure key based SSH access is available for the target box (see ssh-agent(1) for details on multi-key management)

    • Designate a directory on the host to contain all git repositories correponding to the new host.

    • Set the appropriate 'host', 'user' and 'project_dir' keys in the relevant section of the .gtrc entry.



[ vps ]


[ gl ]


[ gh ]


CLI Usage

~> gt ls '*'


~> mkdir projects/new_project
~> cd projects/new_project
~> gt init gl/new_project

Creating gl/new_project

~> gt clone gl/new_project

Cloning into 'new_project'...
remote: Counting objects: 20, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 20 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (20/20), 22.00 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

~> gt rm gl/newproject

Successfully deleted gl/newproject


The tool is designed to handle as many git sources as possible and so only supports the maximal subset of common features provided by them (i.e add/remove/delete). Since it is primarily intended for personal use it does not support sophisticated project or permission management features which are commonly found on proprietary collaboration platforms like github. Such features can be managed on such platforms if they are required after repos have been initialized by the tool.

There will be bugs.


Adding a source should be as simple as creating a new class in gt/sources which derives from gt.sources.base

The class name serves as the source type and its constructor's parameter names are drawn from the relevant section of the config file when instantiating the object.

It is worth noting that the project began life as a bash script and was partly rewritten as an exercise in python by the author. As such things may not be optimally 'pythonic' :). If you bother to read the code and invariably feel the need to abuse the person who wrote it, know that such sentiments will be happily received at r.vaiya@gmail.com.

Feature Requests

If anyone else actually uses this I am open to feature requests :).