
Google Drive sync client for Linux

pip install gynx==0.0.8



Google Drive sync client for Linux.

This project is still in an experimental phase. Care should be exercised when syncing important Google Drive files.


The simplest way to install gynx is through pip

pip install --user gynx

Use the --user flag to install the relevant files and scripts in your home diretory. N.B. Do not install as the root user, or using sudo, to prevent permissions errors during use.

From Source

To install from source

git clone
cd gynx
python install

This should be run inside a Python 3 virtual environment.


Create a Google Drive sync folder in your home directory and run the gynx command to start the syncing operations.

The first time this is run, you will be asked to sign into Google via your web browser and give the gynx app permissions to access your account.

mkdir ~/drive;
cd ~/drive;

Your authentication token will be saved in the app config, so you will only need to sign in once. On subsequent executions you can simply cd into your synced drive directory and run the gynx command.

N.B. You must be in your root drive folder when you run the gynx command. It will try to sync your Google Drive folder with whatever folder you are currently in.


The gynx command can be run with a few options to further customize your sync operation, sign in using another account, and refresh your file cache to fix errors.

Option Description
--version -V Print gynx release number to console and exit
--help -h Print gynx help text to console and exit
--verbose -v Run in verbose mode. Prints out remote drive information prior to program executions
--clean -c Removes the stored file caches before running. Use this option following any output errors.
--refresh -r Deletes the contents of the local directory and runs a full download from the remote drive. Be careful!
--auth -a Create a new auth token by signing in with another Google account. This will overwrite your current token.
--dry-run -d Only print the operations to be performed to the console, but don't run them. Useful for debugging.
--schedule -s Run sync automatically on a schedule. Press Ctrl+C to stop.
--duration -D Minutes until next automatic run (default 10).
--start -S Start automatic folder monitoring after the intial run. Press Ctrl+C to stop


If you're interested in contributing to gynx, please follow these steps:

  1. Take a look at the Contributing Guidelines and make sure you understand the merge request process
  2. Check out ongoing issues in the Issue List and see if there's anything you can help out with. Feel free to submit your own issue if you discover a bug or want to suggest a new feature.
  3. Clone the development branch and checkout your own branch to commit your changes.
  4. Push your branch and submit a Merge Request for review.

To Do

This is a list of upcoming planned features as set out in the project Milestones. For a full list of issues and current development status, check the Issue Board

  • [x] Working CLI interface for all recursive functions
  • [x] PyPi deployment and installation
  • [x] Full test suite with > 85% coverage
  • [x] Continuous sync and changes monitoring through cron or system service
  • [ ] API web service to distribute app credentials
  • [ ] Allow users to generate own app credentials for individual quotas


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