
Hatch plugin for deploying to AWS with SAM

aws, hatch, lambda, plugin, sam, python
pip install hatch-aws-publisher==0.3.0



PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version Hatch project code style - black types - mypy imports - isort

AWS publisher plugin for Hatch 🥚🐍. Hatch is modern, extensible Python project manager.

Table of Contents

How to enable

Plugin must be installed in the same environment as Hatch itself.

python -m venv .venv
.venv/bin/pip install hatch-aws-publisher

How to use it

The publisher plugin name is called aws.

  1. Build you app with SAM. You can use my Hatch plugin hatch-aws.

  2. Put your SAM config to pyproject.toml (stack name is by default name of your project):

    name = "my-app"
    region = "us-west-1"
    confirm_changeset = false
    fail_on_empty_changeset = false
    force_upload = true
    capabilities = "CAPABILITY_IAM"
    s3_bucket = "my-bucket"
    parameter_overrides = ["stage=dev"]
    job = "batman"
    name = "bruce"
  3. Publish (deploy) your app.

    hatch publish -p aws


section tool.hatch.publish.aws

This section allows to modify behavior of the plugin. Available options:

stack_name_append_env = true
stack_name_prefix = "super-"
stack_name_suffix = "-man"
deploy = true

All above options can be overwritten using a CLI parameter

.venv/hatch/bin/hatch publish -p aws -o stack_name_prefix="bat-"
  • stack_name_prefix: adds a prefix to a stack name -> bat-my-app
  • stack_name_suffix: adds a suffix to a stack name -> bat-my-app-man
  • stack_name_append_env: adds a selected environment to a stack name -> bat-my-app-man-dev
  • deploy: if it's false, only sam config will be generated, but sam deploy will not be executed

section tool.hatch.publish.aws.sam

Default values for SAM. You can use any key:value pair available in SAM config.

Only difference is format of tags (they use separate section):

job = "batman"
name = "bruce"

section tool.hatch.publish.aws.sam.env.<env-name>

You can define specific deployment environments. They inherit values from tool.hatch.publish.aws.sam.

Environment settings in pyproject.toml:

region = "us-west-1"
confirm_changeset = false
fail_on_empty_changeset = false
force_upload = true
capabilities = "CAPABILITY_IAM"

region = "us-west-2"
s3_bucket = "dev-bucket"
parameter_overrides = ["stage=dev"]

s3_bucket = "prd-bucket"
parameter_overrides = ["stage=prd"]
fail_on_empty_changeset = true

You need to specify an environment using a CLI parameter:

hatch publish -p aws -o env=dev


Plugin hatch-aws-publisher is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.