
Command line interface for hatch.sh

automation, aws, aws-s3, cli, static-site, tool
pip install hatch-cli==1.0.2



Easy deployment of static websites to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Build Status

Simple command line interface for managing your static websites on AWS — Hatch takes cares of creating S3 buckets, configuring your custom domains, and setting up CloudFront — All from the comforts of your command line. For more information check out hatch.sh

Installing from source

If you want to install hatch from source simply follow these instructions

git clone git@github.com:hatch-sh/hatch.git
cd hatch
make install

If you want to uninstall hatch again then run

make distclean

Working on hatch

If you want to hack around on the hatch source code then follow these instructions

git clone git@github.com:hatch-sh/hatch.git && cd hatch
make setup
source .venv/bin/activate

Now you can invoke hatch like this

./bin/hatch website deploy examples/website
./bin/hatch website start examples/website

Creating a new release

./scripts/release <MESSAGE>