
An open-source HDL register interface code generator fast enough to run in real time

python, c, html, asic, generator, fpga, cplusplus, register, vhdl, eda, rtl, csr, axi, axi-lite, register-interface
pip install hdl-registers==5.1.3


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The hdl-registers project is an open-source HDL register interface code generator fast enough to run in real time. It makes FPGA/ASIC development more fun by automating a lot of time-consuming manual work. It also minimizes the risk of bugs by removing the need for duplicate information. Read more

See documentation on the website: https://hdl-registers.com

The following features are supported:

Registers can be defined using a TOML/JSON/YAML data file or the Python API. The following code can be generated:

  • VHDL
    • AXI-Lite register file wrapper using records and native VHDL types for values.
    • Support packages for compact and efficient simulation.
  • C++
    • Complete class with setters and getters for registers and fields.
    • Includes an abstract interface header for unit test mocking.
  • C header with register addresses and field information.
  • HTML website with documentation of registers and fields.

The tool can also be extended by writing your own code generator using a simple but powerful API.

This project is mature and used in many production environments. The maintainers place high focus on quality, with everything having good unit test coverage and a thought-out structure.