
Mercurial Autohooks Extension

pip install hg-autohooks==0.1.0


Mercurial Autohooks Extension

This project is an extension for Mercurial that enables Mercurial hooks to be included inside a source repository such that they are automatically detected and utilised merely by being present.

It is important to realise that using this extension means that you are giving permission to run code as your user to anyone who can commit to the repositories you are using. For this reason, the extension will only be activated for respositories with a default upstream that you have configured as 'trusted'.


pip install hg-autohooks

Add the following to your Mercurial configuration:



The trusted configuration is a list of repository upstream address prefixes are trusted. The extension will only be active for repositories whose default upstream starts with one of the strings in this list.

Automatic hooks

To use the automatic hooks, create a top-level directory inside your repository named either hg-autohooks or .hg-autohooks and then add hook files inside it. The file names should be prefixed with the hook name and have a suffix of .sh or .py for shell or Python extensions respectively. Pre- and post- hooks should be named 'pre_hookname.ext' or 'post_hookname.ext' respectively.


To require that your Python module can be successfully imported before allowing it to be committed, create a file named hg-autohooks/pre_commit.import.py containing:

    """Mercurial pre-commit hook to try importing the project."""
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name,unused-argument

    import subprocess

    def pre_commit(ui, repo, **kwargs):
        """Try importing the project and see if anything bad happens."""
        imp = subprocess.Popen(("bin/python", "-c", "import foo"),
            cwd=repo.root, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        stdout, stderr = imp.communicate()
        if imp.returncode or stdout or stderr:
            if stdout:
            if stderr:
            return True
        return False