
Clone and Maintain an entire hierarchy of Git repositories in one command

git, batch
pip install hierarchy==0.4.0



Travis PyPI

Hierarchy is a simple tool that allows you to clone and maintain an entire hierarchy of Git repository in one single command:

$ hierarchy

TODO: Add picture of hierarchy in action


  1. Install

    $ pip install hierarchy
  2. Create the Hierarchy file

    $ nano ~/.hierarchy

    Sample Hierarchy File

      - path: ~/Dev/CliTools
        url: git@github.com:FlorianKempenich/Hierarchy.git
      - path: ~/Dev/CliTools
        url: git@github.com:FlorianKempenich/kata.git
      - path: ~/Dev/CliTools/DevOps
        url: git@github.com:FlorianKempenich/ansible-droplet.git
      - path: ~/Dev/HomeAutomation
        url: git@github.com:FlorianKempenich/Appdaemon-Test-Framework.git
        name: appdaemontestframework
  3. Run Hierarchy

    $ hierarchy
    • Hierarchy will clone all the repositories at the specified location
    • If a repo already exists at the specified location, Hierarchy will pull
      the latest changes (WIP)
    • If a repo contains local modifications or has some un-pushed commits,
      the repo will be skipped and a warning will be emitted (WIP)

Hierarchy file structure

The Hierarchy file represents the flattened hierarchy of all the git repository to clone and maintain.

It consists of a list of entries, under the key repos, each representing a repository to clone.


Each repository has the following structure:

url: "URL of the project. The same used to clone the repository with `git clone`"
path: "The local path where to clone the repository. It can contain `~` to represent HOME"
name: "OPTIONAL - A name to override the default repository name when cloning"

The repository will be cloned at: path/name
If no name is provided, the repository name will be used.

A sample Hierarchy file might look like this:

  - path: ~/Dev/CliTools
    url: git@github.com:FlorianKempenich/Hierarchy.git
  - path: ~/Dev/CliTools
    url: git@github.com:FlorianKempenich/kata.git
  - path: ~/Dev/CliTools/DevOps
    url: git@github.com:FlorianKempenich/ansible-droplet.git
  - path: ~/Dev/HomeAutomation
    url: git@github.com:FlorianKempenich/Appdaemon-Test-Framework.git
    name: appdaemontestframework


  • -f / --file HIERARCHY_FILE

    A hierarchy file to use.
    Default: ~/.hierarchy

  • -v / --verbose

    Enable verbose mode

  • --help

    Show help

Work In Progress

  • Allow for ~ in the path
  • Create directories if do not exist
  • Clone with all submodules
  • If directory exists and not empty:
    • Is not same repo => Skip and notify user (ERROR)
    • Is not repo => Skip and notify user (ERROR)
    • Is correct repo:
      • Has no local modifications and up to date with remote =>
        • Update (pull)
        • Update with all submodules
      • Has local modifications => Skip and notify user (WARN)
      • Is not up to date with remote => Skip and notify user (WARN)