
A command line interface for the high energy theory database.

pip install highteacli==0.1


HighTea cli

A quick command line interface for the database for the Events Bases Library from the Centre for Precision Studies in Particle Physics.

See A Theory-Events-Based Library of LHC Processes:



The package is available on pip:

pip install highteacli

Basic Usage

# General help
$ highteacli --help
usage: highteacli.py [-h] {lproc,lpdf,hist} ...

A command line interface for the high energy theory database.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit

    lproc            List available processes
    lpdf             List available pdfs
    hist             make and histogram

 #Help to make an histogram
 $ python highteacli.py hist --help
usage: highteacli.py hist [-h] process file

positional arguments:
  process     process to compute the histogram for
  file        JSON file with the hisogram specification

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

 $ python highteacli.py hist tests test.json
 Processing request. The token is 866dd3c269f211eaa66d0242ac120003.
 Wait for the result here or run
 highteacli token 866dd3c269f211eaa66d0242ac120003
 Token completed
 {"mean": [[[[-2.0, -1.0]], 297.7068930126204], [[[-1.0, 0.0]], -165.29122920133463], [[[0.0, 1.0]], 202.0481155648153], [[[1.0, 2.0]], 301.92919831259667]], "std": [[[[-2.0, -1.0]], 225.39857447188203], [[[-1.0, 0.0]], 305.63359250045437], [[[0.0, 1.0]], 297.698081581902], [[[1.0, 2.0]], 240.26288960758953]]}

 # Put result in res.json
 $ highteacli hist tests test.json  > res.json