
Gibbs sampler for the Hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic model. This is based on the hLDA implementation from Mallet, having a fixed depth on the nCRP tree.

topic, gibbs-sampler, hierarchical-topic-models, lda, topic-hierarchies, topic-modeling
pip install hlda==0.3.1


Hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation (hLDA) addresses the problem of learning topic hierarchies from data. The model relies on a non-parametric prior called the nested Chinese restaurant process, which allows for arbitrarily large branching factors and readily accommodates growing data collections. The hLDA model combines this prior with a likelihood that is based on a hierarchical variant of latent Dirichlet allocation.

Hierarchical Topic Models and the Nested Chinese Restaurant Process

The Nested Chinese Restaurant Process and Bayesian Nonparametric Inference of Topic Hierarchies


  • hlda/sampler.py is the Gibbs sampler for hLDA inference, based on the implementation from Mallet having a fixed depth on the nCRP tree.


  • Simply use pip install hlda to install the package.
  • An example notebook that infers the hierarchical topics on the BBC Insight corpus can be found in notebooks/bbc_test.ipynb.