
Python package to interact with Houseparty's API.

python, houseparty, api, houseparty-app, api-client, python3, pypi-package
pip install houseparty==1.0.1




A python package to interact with Houseparty's API. The following tasks can be automated through the use of this package:

  • Logging in
  • Waving
  • Calling
  • Messaging (not functional at the moment)
  • In house alerts
  • Changing profile picture
  • Changing display name
  • Changing username
  • Checking username availability
  • Viewing online friends
  • Viewing relationships
  • Viewing friend suggestions
  • Searching for users
  • Downloading a user's avatar
  • Viewing account details:
    • Account ID
    • Username
    • Full name
    • Avatar ID
    • Account creation date
    • Last account update date
    • Relationship status
    • Last interaction


This package relies on the requests library. You can install it with pip3 install requests.


pip3 install houseparty

Getting started

from houseparty import Houseparty, User

me = Houseparty('USERNAME','PASSWORD') # Replace this with your houseparty username and password
print(me.user) # Print your user information

friend = User(me.auth_token,'USERNAME') # Initializes an instance of a user we want to interact with, the auth token is needed to retrieve a friend's information and preform user actions (wave, ring, etc.)
print(friend.user) # Print the user's information

See for more usage examples of this package.

Function explanations

Function Name Function Explanation Number of arguments Argument Details Return value
Houseparty.login() Logs in a user to get an authentication token. Called by default when initializing Houseparty instance. 2 self, username, password: username and password must be valid Houseparty credentials. Dictionary containing user information.
Houseparty.change_avatar() Changes the avatar of the current user. 1 self, file: file must be a valid file path. Dictionary containing response from avatar PUT request.
Houseparty.change_display_name() Changes the display name of the current user. 1 self, name True if the change was sucessful, otherwise returns None.
Houseparty.check_username() Checks the availability and validity of a username. 1 username Dictionary containing the validity and availibility status.
Houseparty.change_username() Changes the username of the current user. 1 self, username: username must be available and valid. True if the change was sucessful, otherwise returns None.
Houseparty.in_house_alert() Sends out a <name> is in the house alert. 0 self True if the request was sucessful, otherwise returns None.
Houseparty.online_friends() Returns the online friend list of the current user. 0 self Dictionary containing online friends and their user details.
Houseparty.relationships() Returns the friend list of the current user. 0 self Dictionary containing all friends and their user details.
Houseparty.suggestions() Returns friend suggestions for the current user. 0 self Dictionary containing frined suggestions and their user details. Searches for Houseparty users. 1 self, text: text must be at least 3 characters Dictionary of users matching the search text and their user details.
User.get_uid() Returns the user ID of a username. Called by default when initializing User instance. 1 username: username must be a Houseparty user. uid string if sucessful, otherwise returns None.
User.get_user_info() Returns the user details for a User instance. 0 self Dictionary containing user details.
User.get_avatar() Downloads the avatar for a User instance. 2 (optional) self, output_dir, size: output_dir must be a valid file path, by default it is HOME_DIRECTORY/Pictures/houseparty-avatars. size must be an integer, by default it is 1000. True if sucessful, otherwise returns None.
User.say_hi() Sends a wave to the current User instance. 1 (optional) self, amount: amount must be a positive integer. True if sucessful, otherwise returns None.
User.ring() Sendsd a call to the current User instance. 1 (optional) self, amount: amount must be a positive integer. True if sucessful, otherwise returns None.
User.send_message() Sends a message to the current User instance. Still under development and not functional at the moment. 2 (second argument is optional) self, message, amount: amount must be a positive integer. True if sucessful, otherwise returns None.