
A beautiful html builder library.

hmtl, builder, render, html, html-builder, python, web
pip install htmlBuilder==0.2.1


Html Builder

HtmlBuilder is a python library that allows you to render html files by writing python code.

Why do you care about this library?

When rendering HTML programmatically there are other options available (template engines and other rendering libraries) but these are often limited in what they can do or add a new level of abstraction that has to be learned to be productive. HtmlBuilder tries to improve on this by following the next few points:

  • Minimal learning curve:(For the most part) Python and HTML knowledge are all that are needed to use this tool effectively.
  • Real python code: The resulting code looks and behaves as you would expect from other python code.
  • Easily testable: The html object structure can be introspected before being rendered as a html string for it to be easily tested.


run pip install htmlbuilder

Use examples:

A simple example

# import necesary tags and attributes
from htmlBuilder.tags import *
from htmlBuilder.attributes import Class, InlineStyle

# html tags are represented as classes 
html = Html([],
    # any tag can receive another tag as constructor parameter
        Title("A beautiful site")
    Body([Class('btn', 'btn-success'), InlineStyle(background_color='red', bottom='35px')],
# no closing tags are required

# call the render() method to return tag instances as html text

######### result #########

# <html>
#     <head>
#         <title>A beautiful site</title>
#     </head>
#     <body style='background-color:red; bottom:35px;' class='btn btn-success'>
#         <hr/>
#         <div>
#             <div></div>
#         </div>
#     </body>
# </html>

A not so simple example

from htmlBuilder.attributes import Class
from htmlBuilder.tags import Html, Head, Title, Body, Nav, Div, Footer, Ul, Li

# declare data
users = [
        "name": "Jose",
        "movies": ['A beautiful mind', 'Red'],
        "favorite-number": 42,
        "name": "Jaime",
        "movies": ['The breakfast club', 'Fight club'],
        "favorite-number": 7,
        "name": "Jhon",
        "movies": ['The room', 'Yes man'],
        "favorite-number": 987654321,

# functions can be used to handle recurring tag structures
def my_custom_nav():
    # these functions can return a tag or a list of tags ( [tag1,tag2,tag3] )
    return Nav([Class("nav pretty")],
        Div([], "A beautiful NavBar")

html = Html([],
        Title([], "An awesome site")
        my_custom_nav(), # calling previously defined function
            Div([], user['name']),
                [Li([], movie) for movie in user["movies"]] # list comprehensions can be used to easily render multiple tags
            ) if user['favorite-number'] < 100 else "Favorite number is too high" # python's ternary operation is allowed too
        ) for user in users], 
        Footer([], "My Footer"),


######### result #########

# <html>
# <head><title>An awesome site</title></head>
# <body>
# <nav class='nav pretty'>
#     <div>A beautiful NavBar</div>
# </nav>
# <div class='user-jose'>
#     <div>Jose</div>
#     <ul>
#         <li>A beautiful mind</li>
#         <li>Red</li>
#     </ul>
# </div>
# <div class='user-jaime'>
#     <div>Jaime</div>
#     <ul>
#         <li>The breakfast club</li>
#         <li>Fight club</li>
#     </ul>
# </div>
# <div class='user-jhon'>
#     <div>Jhon</div>
#     Favorite number is too high
# </div>
# <footer>My Footer</footer>
# </body>
# </html>