Makes it easy to write use CSS selectors with HTML in your unit tests.

pip install htmls==3.0.0





Htmls requires lxml <>. lxml requires libxml2 and libxslt, so you have to install those libraries. You do not need to install lxml, htmls will pull it in as a dependency.

Tested with Python 3.8 and 3.10.

Tip for Mac OSX

How to install libxml2 and libxslt is described in their docs, but their docs does not mention that libxml2 and libxslt is available in Homebrew for OSX. You can install them with::

$ brew install libxml2 libxslt


When you have install libxml2 and libxslt, you can install htmls with::

$ pip install htmls

Usage example

import unittest
import htmls

class ExampleTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_example(self):
        selector = htmls.S("""
                <a href="#hello">Hello</a>
                <a href="#cruel" class="btn btn-default btn-lg">

        # Various ways of finding elements
        self.assertEqual(selector.count('a'), 2)
        button ='a.btn')  # Single htmls.Element
        with self.assertRaises(htmls.NotExactlyOneMatchError):
            button ='a')  # Fails because the a selector matches 2 elements.
        buttons = selector.list('a.btn')  # List of htmls.Element

        # Debugging
        print selector.prettify()  # Or selector.prettyprint()
        print button.prettify()  # Or button.prettyprint()

        # Find the text of an element with normalized whitespace
        self.assertEqual('a.btn').text_normalized, 'Cruel World')

        # Working with CSS classes
        self.assertTrue('a.btn').hasclasses(['btn-default', 'btn-lg']))
        self.assertFalse('a.btn').hasclasses(['btn-default', 'btn-lg', 'invalidclass']))

        # Working with attributes
        self.assertEqual('a.btn')['href'], '#cruel')
        self.assertTrue('a.btn').hasattribute('href'), '#cruel')

The example above is also available in tests/


Use conventional commits for GIT commit messages

See You can use this git commit message format in many different ways, but the easiest is:

Install hatch and commitizen

NOTE: You only need hatch if you need to build releases, and you only need commitizen for releases OR to make it easy to follow conventional commits for your commit messages (see Use conventional commits for GIT commit messages above).

First install pipx with:

$ brew install pipx
$ pipx ensurepath

Then install hatch and commitizen:

$ pipx install hatch 
$ pipx install commitizen

See, and for more install alternatives if needed, but we really recommend using pipx since that is isolated.

Install development dependencies

Install a local python version with pyenv:

$ pyenv install 3.10
$ pyenv local 3.10

Create virtualenv:

$ ./

Alternatively, create virtualenv manually (this does the same as

$ python -m venv .venv

Install dependencies in a virtualenv:

$ .venv/bin/pip install -v ".[dev,test]"


$ pytest


We have no HTML API docs at this time. This is a very small library, it is less than 200 lines of well documented code. So just read, or use pydoc htmls after you have installed the library.

Also check out the code in tests/ We have 100% test coverage, and the tests are good examples.

How to release htmls

Release (create changelog, increment version, commit and tag the change) with:

$ cz bump
$ git push && git push --tags


  • cz bump only works if conventional commits (see section about that above) is used.
  • cz bump can take a specific version etc, but it automatically select the correct version if conventional commits has been used correctly. See
  • The cz command comes from commitizen (install documented above).

Release to pypi:

$ hatch build -t sdist
$ hatch publish
$ rm dist/*              # optional cleanup