
Tools for use in comparison studies, specifically for use in the field of hydrology

hydrology, error, metrics, comparison, statistics, forecast, observed
pip install hydrostats==0.78


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Tools for use in comparison studies, specifically for use in the field of hydrology

Hydrostats provides:

  • Preprocessing Tools
  • Visualization Tools
  • Access to over 70 error metrics through the HydroErr package dependency
  • A library of relevant metrics to measure forecast skill


  • Roberts, W., Williams, G., Jackson, E., Nelson, E., Ames, D., 2018. Hydrostats: A Python Package for Characterizing Errors between Observed and Predicted Time Series. Hydrology 5(4) 66, doi:10.3390/hydrology5040066

We would request that if you use this package that you please cite the above paper. The journal paper is open access and can be found at https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology5040066. BibTeX, EndNote, and RIS files can be downloaded at the journal site.

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