
API used to to allow users to make scripts that work local and on wivi server

pip install ics-ipa-interface==1.0.6



This repo gives users the tools to be able to run scripts as a ipa job and desktop script at the same time.

Install Process

To install simply run the following command

pip install ics-ipa-interface


from intrepidcs import ipa_interface as ipa

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # setup the help dialog for the script
    ipa.ipa_init(script_name="my_script_name.py", version="1.0",
                 message="this dose cool things")

    # input data path
    data_file_paths = ipa.get_data_files()

    # config are user defined and are uses as arguments to
    # the script
    config_file_paths = ipa.get_config_files()

    # path to store data
    output_path = ipa.get_output_dir()

    for i, path in enumerate(data_file_paths):
        # do something here

        # get vehicle info for file if provided
        vehicleId = ipa.get_attribute_from_file(path, 'vehicleId')

        # update progress
        ipa.update_progress('filesRead', percent=i/len(data_file_paths))

--help for example

        this dose cool things
  my_script_name.py <IPA_FILE>
  my_script_name.py [--data_files=<FILE>]... [--config_files=<FILE>]... [--previous_dir=<DIR>] --output_dir=<DIR>
  my_script_name.py (-h | --help)
  my_script_name.py --version

  -h --help     Show this screen.
  --version     Show version.
  -d FILE --data_files=<FILE>   The data files that are used.
  -c FILE --config_files=<FILE> The config files that are used.
  -o DIR --output_dir=<DIR>   The output directory. This is required if the script output directory.
  -p DIR --previous_dir=<DIR>   The previous run output directory. This is used if you want to use the results of the previous run as an input.

IPA File

The keys shown in the following example are required. as a user you can add more key value pairs at the ... locations shown

    "data_files" : [
            "path": "unique_path/to/DataFile1"
            "path": "unique_path/to/DataFile2"
    "config_files" : [
            "path": "unique_path/to/ConfigFile1"
            "path": "unique_path/to/ConfigFile2"
    "previous_dir": "optional_path/to/previous_output_dir",
    "output_dir": "path/to/output_dir"

Command Line Args

    my_script_name.py -d unique_path/to/DataFile1 -d unique_path/to/DataFile2 -c unique_path/to/ConfigFile1 -o output/dir -p previous/dir