
A hackable CPython 3.6+ remote debugger designed for the Web and online IDE integration. Fork of IKPdb.

debugger, debug, remote, tcp
pip install ikp3db==1.4.2


A hackable CPython remote debugger designed for integration with the latest generation of Javascript editor / IDE (eg. Cloud9, Atom, VS Code)

IKP3db is a Python 3 debugger. For Python 2 see the IKPdb project on github and pypi. https://github.com/audaxis/ikpdb


  • Debugging of multithreaded programs
  • Conditional breakpoints
  • Variables hot modifications
  • "Turbo mode"
  • easy integration in javascripts frameworks / editors

Installation from pypi

When it will be published, you will be able the latest stable version from pypi using:

$ pip3 install ikp3db

Installation from sources

Install using one of these:

$ pip3 install git+https://github.com/cmorisse/ikp3db.git@1.x#egg=ikp3db  # 1.x is the branch name
$ pip3 install git+https://github.com/cmorisse/ikp3db.git#egg=ikp3db  # from master

IKP3db sources will be installed in ./ikp3db_src/ikp3db

Installation from sources to contribute

Git clone and install using one of these:

$ pip3 install --src ./ikp3db_src -e git+https://github.com/cmorisse/ikp3db.git@1.x#egg=ikp3db  # 1.x is the branch name
$ pip3 install --src ./ikp3db_src -e git+https://github.com/cmorisse/ikp3db.git#egg=ikp3db  # from master

IKP3db sources will be installed in ./ikp3db_src/ikp3db

Getting started

Cloud9 is IKP3db debugger client reference implementation so head to Cloud9, create an account there then refer to the Getting Started section of IKPdb documentation.


IKP3db is the Python 3 version of IKPdb ; for now there is only one documentation.



CPython 3.6.x to 3.10.x CPython 3.11+ is not supported

(See: https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.11.html "PyFrameObject has been removed from the public C API")

A C compiler (eg. python-dev Debian package, xcode tools on macOS).


IKP3db is licensed under the MIT License. See the License paragraph in the documentation.

Source code

Source code is available on github:



Issues are managed using Github's Issues Tracker.