
This is an XML parser library mainly designed for Jabber applications.

c, cpp, jabber, meson, python3, xml
pip install iksemel==3.0.1



My XML Parser for my personal project. This project has been forked from Pardus-Linux github repo but original iksemel has been written to use with python2. I have rewritten pyiks.c for using iksemel in python3.


You don't need anything other than an installed Python framework. iksemel-lite source is included and compiled built-in to the module.

To compile and install:  python3 setup.py install  then you can import the iksemel module in your python programs.


===> Module Constants:

  • TAG
  • DATA

These enumeration constants are used to report the type of the Node objects.

===> Module Exceptions

  • ParseError

Raised when given string or file contains invalid XML.

  • NotTag

Raised when a function accepting a tag node got another type of object.

  • NotData

Raised when a function accepting a data node got another type of object.

===> Module Functions:

  • parse(filename)

Parses the given XML file, and returns the top level tag's node object.

  • parseString(string)

Parses the given XML string and returns the top level tag's node object.

  • newDocument(tagname)

Creates a new top level tag node object with given tag name.

===> Module Objects:

  • Node

This object represents a node of the XML document tree. If you iterate over a node object, you'll get the list of its child nodes.

===> Node Object Methods:

  • type()

Returns the type of the node.

  • data()

Returns character data for data nodes.

  • name()

Returns the name of the tag for tag nodes.

  • attributes()

Returns a list of node's attribute names. Returns an empty list if there aren't any.

  • getAttribute(attributename)

Returns the value of the given attribute for tag nodes. If such an attribute doesn't exists, returns None.

  • setAttribute(attributename, value)

Sets the given attribute's value for tag nodes. You can give the value None for deleting an attribute.

  • getTag(tagname)

Returns the first tag node child with the given name. If such a child doesn't exists, returns None.

  • getTagData(tagname)

Returns the contained character data from first tag node child with the given name.

  • tags(tagname=None)

Iterates over child tag nodes. If optional tagname is given, only iterates over tags with the given name.

  • firstChild()

Returns the first child node.

  • parent()

Returns the parent node.

  • root()

Returns the top level node.

  • next()

Returns the next node. If this is the last sibling, returns None.

  • nextTag(tagname=None)

Returns the next tag node. If optional tagname is given, returns the next sibling tag node with the given name. Returns None if this is the last such sibling.

  • previous()

Returns the previous node. If this is the first sibling, returns None.

  • previousTag(tagname=None)

Returns the previous tag node. If optional tagname is given, returns the previous sibling tag node with the given name. Returns None if this is the first such sibling.

  • insertTag(tagname)

Inserts a new child tag node with given name to the child nodes. Returns the newly created tag node object.

  • insertData(data)

Inserts given character data to the child nodes. Returns the newly created data node object.

  • setData(data)

Deletes given tag's current child nodes, then inserts the data as its child.

  • insertNode(node)

Inserts given node tree to the child nodes. Returns the newly created node object.

  • appendTag(tagname)

Create a tag node with given name and append it as the next sibling. Returns the newly created tag node object.

  • appendData(data)

Appends given character data as the next sibling. Returns the newly created data node object.

  • prependTag(tagname)

Create a tag node with given name and append it as the previous sibling. Returns the newly created tag node object.

  • prependData(data)

Prepends given character data as the previous sibling. Returns the newly created data node object.

  • hide()

Deletes the node from document tree.

  • toString()

Returns the XML string representation of node tree.

  • toPrettyString()

Returns the XML string representation of node tree. Line feeds and tabs are inserted into the document to make it look pretty.