An imaplib extension module, that provides versions of IMAP4 and IMAP4_SSL with UID-based functions.

imaplib, imap, UID, email
pip install imaplibext==0.7.9


IMAP Lib Extension Module

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Basic Information

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This module is designed to use the existing imaplib library functionality, but extends upon it.

When using standard imaplib functions such as 'search' or 'fetch', the imaplib libraries do not use UID numbers in the returned messageset, which means that augmenting flags via the 'store' function or similar can sometimes modify the wrong message in the inbox, as the numbers returned by the default functions in imaplib do not correspond to the UID (Unique ID) of the individual messages.

This extension library, imaplibext, is a very simple set of classes (IMAP4 and IMAP4_SSL) that inherit from the parent class of the same name in imaplib, but redefines the following functions to use the uid command instead of the built-in commands usually called by these functions. In this manner, we get UID-based message numbers in the message-sets being returned or handled, and are able to more properly handle messages uniquely without collissions.

This was inspired as a result of a question initially asked by the author of this module on StackOverflow, in which the author needed to be able to manipulate the "Seen" flag on messages properly in one of their scripts via a Python program. While the author of this module found multiple solutions, either by changing the 'fetch' command call in the script they used, or by replacing the default 'search', 'fetch', 'store' functions with .uid functions instead, this made understanding the code hard by his co-workers. To adjust for this, he created this module which provides UID-based forms of the commands, which use UID references instead of non-UID message numbers.


This module was written to be Python 2 and Python 3 compatible. It should work properly with both Python 2 and Python 3 and uses the Python 2 type hinting suggested in PEP 484, but also the typing module that is now in pip

Installation / Usage

Use PyPI

This library is available from the PyPI repository.

Python 2:

Install from Source Code


First, install the dependencies from PyPI.

Python 2

For system-wide installation:

pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

For user-space installation:

pip install --user --upgrade -r requirements.txt
Python 3

For system-wide installation:

pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

For user-space installation:

pip3 install --user --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Installing / Importing in Code

Simply copy the imaplibext package folder into your working directory for your Python script or program.


Once installed in either method, you can import into your Python code as a drop-in replacement for imaplib's IMAP4 or IMAP4_SSL commands.

# Use this to import as a module and call things with `imaplibext.OBJECTNAME`
import imaplibext

# or, use this, to call IMAP4 and IMAP4_SSL directly in your code, but get the UID functions instead.
from imaplibext import IMAP4, IMAP4_SSL


Usage is identical to imaplib's IMAP4 and IMAP4_SSL classes and corresponding function calls. There is no real difference in how to reference functions or the classes in the IMAP4 or IMAP4_SSL functions here compared to the parent imaplib functions.


Where can I report issues or make Feature Requests?

Issues and feature requests can be reported on the Gitlab Repository