
Generic key-value interface to a LDAP directory

pip install indicium-ldap==0.1.0a0


Indicium LDAP Store

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A LDAP-backed key-value store backend for Indicium.


# Instantiate and write some data.
from indicium.ldap import LDAPStore
store = LDAPStore("ldap://localhost")
store.put("/dc=org/dc=test", { "dc": "test", "o": "My organization",
        "objectClass": ["top", "dcObject", "organization"] })

# Read the data back.
org = store.get("/dc=org/dc=test")

# Using the DN directly is also possible.
assert org == store.get("/dc=test,dc=org")

Note that a directory service accessed using LDAP is supposed to have a certain structure, so depending on the schema and structure used by the directory server, and therefore the set of useable keys (and whether they are writeable or not) will vary. In particular:

  • Path components of keys are mapped to the DN components of the LDAP entities, in reversed order.
  • When using .put() is is mandatory to specify an objectClass attribute. Note that when writing to existing objects it is possible to specify a different objectClass value to mutate the object, but this is discouraged and may not work with some directory servers—it may be needed to .delete() the entity first.
  • Using .put() to modify an existing object uses MODIFY_REPLACE change operations, which means that values of attributes will be replaced, or added, but never removed. For now the only way of deleting entity attributes is to .delete() the entity first, and then re-create it.


All stable releases are uploaded to PyPI, so you can install them and upgrade using pip:

pip install indicium-ldap

Alternatively, you can install the latest development code —at your own risk— directly from the Git repository:

pip install git://


If you want to contribute, please use the usual GitHub workflow:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Hack on your clone.
  3. Send a pull request for review.

If you do not have programming skills, you can still contribute by reporting issues that you may encounter. Contributions to the documentation are very welcome, too!