
UnipiEvents integration for Indico

pip install indico-plugin-unipievents==0.3.1


Indico Plugin UnipiEvents

This is an Indico plugin that synchronizes events to a Wordpress instance running the Unipi Events plugin; it is currently in use at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa.


You may install the plugin by cloning the repository on the Indico server and then running:

pip install indico-plugin-unipievents

Check that the plugin is installed by running

indico setup list-plugins

To enable the plugin, insert the line

PLUGINS={ 'unipievents' }

to your indico.conf, or just add 'unipievents' to the list of loaded plugins in case you already have other plugins loaded.


You can start the development environment by adjusting the configuration in the indico.env.sample file and renaming it indico.env. Then, you can start the containers by

sudo docker-compose up

and connect to http://localhost:9090. Configure your first user account. To update the plugin version in the container, run

sudo docker-compose exec -u root web bash -c "pip3 uninstall indico-plugin-unipievents ; cd /indico-unipievents && python3 install && touch /indico/indico.wsgi"

that will rebuild the plugin and restart the WSGI server.