
psql query generator

pip install inquiry==0.0.1


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pip install inquiry

🌱 Seeds

The bread and butter of Figures. Provide any number of seeds at differnt levels to produce amazing Inquirys

Seeds are the following parts of the query: select, tables and where. Seeds can be presented anywhere within the Inquiry.

Key Value Description
title str short description
help str, url
inherits str, list
select or selects str, list
table or tables
arguments Arguments


  1. All arguments are inherited from previous lvls a. Remove an argument via ":name": false
  2. Overlaping argumets will override, entirly, the previous lvl argument
  3. Index level of the figure must return a list of object ids b. optional agg argument may return aggregate data w/out ids
  4. Inheriting other figures will inherit all their arguments and seeds


There are a few methods available to seed articles (select, tables, with, where)

  • Clear pervious values of all previous articles of this type
        "select": [false, "sum(totals) as totals"]

:shipit: Arguments

Values that users can adjust to query differnt Inquiry results

Key Value Description
pattern regexp string to validate the argument
ignores "" or [] other arguments not allowed to be here
require "" or [] other arguments that are required to be provided to
required bool argument is required to be provided
default "" the value of this argument when not provided by the user
adapt bool if the value should be adapted for psql, defualt true


When arguments are duplicated (which is comonn) the default action is to completely override the previous argument definition. However, in some cases it is better to append/adjust or reduce the previous definition.

  • Append / Adjust via &:key
    • The previous definition will be adjusted if present or added if not present, respectively.
  • Reduce via -:key
    • The previous definition will have definitions removed entirly. For this method the argument definition should be a list not a dictionary.