
A wrapper for the Intellinget Plant API

pip install intelligent-plant==1.6.1


Python App Store API Client

A python implmentation of the Intelligent Plant industrial appstore API client

See the example folder for example on how to use the library for authorization code and implicit OAuth grant flows.

Getting started

Installing using pip

pip install intelligent-plant

Installing from Source

Using pip:

pip install git+

Alternatively clone the Git repo:

git clone

Example Scripts

The 'example' folder contains a series of examples which demonstrate the available authentication methods and queries that you can make using this library.

To install dependencies used by the example scripts run

pip install -r example-requirements.txt

Querying the Industrial App Store

In order to query the industrial app store you must register as a developer and create an app registration. Full instructions can be found here:

Once you have created and app registration you will need to copy and rename config-example.json to config.json and populate the id and secret fields with you app ID and app secret.

To run the authorization code grant flow example run:

python example\

To run the authorization code grant flow example with the PKCE extensionrun:

python example\

To run the implicit grant flow example run:

The implicit grant flow is deprecated and is disabled by default

python example\

Querying a local App Store Connect or Data Core node

To run the NTLM (windows authentication) example you will need to have a data core node available on the local network. If you have an App Store Connect ( installed locally you can run the example without modification. If you are trying to authenticate with a data core node you will need to change the base_url variable defined in the script to match the URL of the Data Core admin UI.

Run the example using:

python example\

Example Notebooks

You can find examples of how to use the library to make queries in our Jupyer Hub demo notebooks (these notebooks expect a valid Industrial App Store access token to be present in the ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable).

To use this library as part of a Jupyter Notebook join the Jupyter Hub: