
Toolset for interactive command-line applications

pip install inter==0.1.5



Toolset for interactive command-line applications

inter is a utility for providing an interactive command line interface. You can use it to ask question and coerce values into ints, floats, boolean values, and you have a number of options like specifying integer and floating point constraints, setting the color of the question text, and specifying default values.


inter is installable through pip. To install to your system, just run:

$ sudo pip install inter

or to install from source, run:

$ python install


inter is easy to use in your python scripts. Check the following example:

from inter import Interact

cli = Interact()

# Takes a string from the user and strips the whitespace, and lowercase it.
first_name = cli.ask_str('enter your first name', strip=True, lower=True)

# title=True will take input like "hey there" and return "Hey There"
full_name = cli.ask_str('enter your full name', strip=True, title=True)

# Prints "whats your age: " and gives an error message regarding min and max
# if the user fails to enter a value within that range.
age = cli.ask_int('whats your age', min=1, max=120)

# Prints "are you in the US [yn]: "
in_the_us = cli.ask_bool('are you in the US')

# Prints "are you a developer [Yn]: "
# If user provides no input, default True is returned. Otherwise it checks for
# "yes", "y", "true", or "no", "n", "false" and if it receives none of those,
# it will print an error message in red.
developer = cli.ask_bool('are you a developer', default=True)

# Asks for a path to a file that doesn't exist and is creatable
new_path = cli.ask_path('path to file ill create', exists=False, creatable=True)

# Asks for path to a directory that it can add files inside
inside_dir = cli.ask_path('path to dir i will write in', is_dir=True, writeable=True)

# Asks for path to a file it can read but cant write to and exists as a file
readable = cli.ask_path('i can read but not write this file', readable=True,
                        writeable=False, is_file=True)

Release Notes

0.1.4: bugfixes for ask_str default and more python 2.7 compatibility
0.1.3: Make python 2.7 compatible with print as function
0.1.2: Add Interact.print and Interact.exit
0.1.1: Fix path stuff
0.1.0: Alpha release with usable int/float/bool/str tooling.
0.0.1: Project created