
Service container for automatic dependency injection

ioc, di, dependency, injection, container
pip install ioccontainer==1.0.2



Retrieving the container

Accessing the container is as simple as from ioccontainer import c. You can now use c to set up service providers and access services.

Defining a service

from ioccontainer import c

class MyService:
    def __init__(self, val: int=1):
        self.val = val

def provide_my_service():
    return MyService()

c.provide(MyService, provide_my_service)

You can also use the @provider decorator.

from ioccontainer import c, provider

def provide_my_service():
    return MyService()

Using a service

from ioccontainer import c

my_service = c.get(MyService)

You can also use the @inject decorator. You can specify which service to inject into a variable as an argument, or use annotations.

from ioccontainer import inject

def get_val_from_specified_service(my_service):
    return my_service.val

def get_val_from_annotated_service(my_service: MyService):
    return my_service.val

You can specify as many injections as you want inside of the @inject decorator.

from ioccontainer import inject
@inject('db', 'my_service', users=UserRepository)
def do_something(db: DatabaseAdapter, action, my_service: MyService, users):



There are different scopes that you can apply to services.


A new instance of the service will be created each time it is resolved. This is the default scope.

from ioccontainer import c, provider, scopes

@provider(MyService, scopes.NO_SCOPE)
def provide_my_service():
    return MyService()

first = c.get(MyService)
second = c.get(MyService)
print(first.val)  # 1
print(second.val)  # 1

first.val = 2
print(first.val)  # 2
print(second.val)  # 1


The same instance of the service will be created each time it is resolved

from ioccontainer import c, provider, scopes

@provider(MyService, scopes.SINGLETON)
def provide_my_service():
    return MyService()

first = c.get(MyService)
second = c.get(MyService)
print(first.val)  # 1
print(second.val)  # 1

first.val = 2
print(first.val)  # 2
print(second.val)  # 2


The same instance of the service will be created each time it is resolved within a thread.

from ioccontainer import provider, scopes

@provider(MyService, scopes.THREAD)
def provide_my_service():
    return MyService()

Running tests

Install the package with test dependencies

pip install -e ".[test]"

Run tox
