Utility to fetch your external IP address

pip install ipgetter2==1.1.7



https://travis-ci.org/starofrainnight/ipgetter2.svg?branch=master https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/starofrainnight/ipgetter2?svg=true

Utility to fetch your external IP address.

This module is designed to fetch your external IP address from the internet.

It is used mostly when behind a NAT.

It picks your IP randomly from a server list to minimize request overhead on a single server

NOTICE: This library is try to act as a replacement of the ipgetter library, because that library has disappeared on pypi.org and github.

  • License: Apache-2.0

Why there another ipgetter library?

I found ipgetter disappeared at night of 2019-05-11. I don't know precisely when it's disappeared, and don't know what's going on.

So I write this library with same API interface for my projects that depends on it as a replacement, hope it will help people that ran into the same situation.


  • Correctly detect webpage encoding by chardet
  • Control the timeout by library requests not by signal alarm (Alarm signal will cause problems)
  • Smart server fetch algorithm, the get() method will fetch at least 2 IP with the same value in 3 random servers (return the only one valid IP without checking if there have only one server responsed)
  • Support IPv6 either (Return both values if the server provided two of them)


  • ipgetter2 usage
>>> from ipgetter2 import IPGetter
>>> getter = IPGetter()
>>> getter.get()
{v4:"", v6:"::"}
>>> getter.get_from("http://checkip.dyndns.org/plain")
{v4:"", v6:"::"}
>>> getter.test()
Numbers of Servers : 46
[1/46] Testing : http://ip.dnsexit.com
[2/46] Testing : http://ifconfig.me/ip
[3/46] Testing : http://ipecho.net/plain
[45/46] Testing : http://httpbin.org/ip
[46/46] Testing : https://api.myip.com
8 server failed : ['http://checkip.dyndns.org/plain', 'http://www.canyouseeme.org/', 'http://whatsmyip.net/', 'http://www.ip-adress.com/', 'http://ip-lookup.net/', 'https://check.torproject.org/', 'https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/whats-my-ip/', 'http://myexternalip.com/']
{IPAddress(v4="", v6="::"): 26, IPAddress(v4="", v6="::"): 11, IPAddress(v4="", v6="::"): 1}
IP's : {v4:"", v6:"::"} = 26 ocurrencies
  • Emulated API interface of ipgetter library
>>> from ipgetter2 import ipgetter1 as ipgetter
>>> myip = ipgetter.myip()
>>> myip
>>> ipgetter.IPgetter().test()
Number of servers: 47
IP's : = 47 ocurrencies


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the PyPackageTemplate project template.