
Display Sankey diagrams in Jupyter

ipython, widgets, Jupyter, JupyterLab, JupyterLab3
pip install ipysankeywidget==0.5.0


IPython Sankey diagram widget Binder Conda Version

Display Sankey diagrams in IPython / Jupyter notebook using d3-sankey-diagram.


Option 1: to install using pip:

$ pip install ipysankeywidget

Then, if using the classic Jupyter Notebook:

$ jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix ipysankeywidget
$ jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension   # <-- you might have already done this,
                                                                    #     but it's safe to do again

Or, if using Jupyterlab:

$ jupyter labextension install jupyter-sankey-widget @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager

Option 2: to install using conda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge ipysankeywidget                # (that's it, nbextensions enabled automatically)

Browser support

Tested in Firefox and Chrome. There have been reports that it's not working in Safari.


See the d3-sankey-diagram API docs: the value of the SankeyWidget is exactly the same as the sankey object described there.

To change the figure size, use the ipywidgets Layout object:

layout = Layout(width="1000", height="1200")
SankeyWidget(links=data, layout=layout)


See notebooks in examples folder for usage examples. You can try these online using

Binder, or follow the links to static versions on nbviewer:


v0.4.2 (29 April 2022)

  • Expose d3-sankey-diagram nodePositions() option to allow for custom node layout.

v0.4.1 (18 February 2021)

  • Experimental support for link "markers"
  • Experimental support for showing HTML info for links

v0.4.0 (19 November 2020)

  • Update to d3-sankey-diagram v0.8.0


  • Now supports Jupyterlab


  • You can now show link values as SVG text elements. Set linkLabelFormat to a d3-format string; links whose value is more than linkLabelMinWidth will have a label using that format.
  • Upgrade to d3-sankey-diagram version 0.7.3
  • ipysankeywidget can now be installed using conda (thanks to Ali Alsabbah #33)
  • Add a check for duplicate links (thanks to Remi Bois #23)


  • Add events for clicking on nodes and links: on_node_clicked and on_link_clicked. These replace the on_selected event.


  • Nicholas Bollweg
  • Ali Alsabbah
  • Remi Bois
  • Miguel Mendez