Download Apple Music Festival 2015 Streams

pip install itf==2.5.0


Apple Music Festival 2015 – Show Downloader


Install Python 3, launch terminal and type:

pip install -U itf

On Linux type:

sudo pip3 install -U itf


itf --help display help

itf <day> <artist> [quality] download specific show


quality 1080p, 720p or ac3 (default: 1080p)

-p or --proxy use http proxy, useful if performances are unavailable in your country

-d or --dump dump token and parts instead of downloading, combine with -c to skip downloading and save chapters

-c or --chapters save chapters file, note that you'll need to add song names manually and then mux it (see below)

-j or --threads select number of download threads (1–1000, default: 20)


To download The Chemical Brothers in 1080p, type:

itf 24 thechemicalbrothers

To download 6-channel audio for Pharrell Williams, type:

itf 26 pharrellwilliams ac3

To dump chapters of Take That via Tor, type:

itf 20 takethat --dump --chapters -p


Complete list of concerts is here.

It might be a good idea to remux .ts file to .mp4, use Yamb (on Windows) or Subler (on Mac), don't use ffmpeg.

You may want to edit song names in chapter file and mux everything with with Yamb or Subler.

Audio in .ac3 stream might be slightly out of sync. Delay/rush can be fixed with delaycut.