
Jenga is an open source experimentation library that allows data science practititioners and researchers to study the effect of common data corruptions (e.g., missing values, broken character encodings) on the prediction quality of their ML models.

pip install jenga==0.0.1a0




Jenga is an open source experimentation library that allows data science practititioners and researchers to study the effect of common data corruptions (e.g., missing values, broken character encodings) on the prediction quality of their ML models.

We design Jenga around three core abstractions:

  • Tasks contain a raw dataset, an ML model and a prediction task
  • Data corruptions take raw input data and randomly apply certain data errors to them (e.g., missing values)
  • Evaluators take a task and data corruptions, and execute the evaluation by repeatedly corrupting the test data of the task, and recording the predictive performance of the model on the corrupted test data.

Jenga's goal is assist data scientists with detecting such errors early, so that they can protected their models against them. We provide a jupyter notebook outlining the most basic usage of Jenga.

Note that you can implement custom tasks and data corruptions by extending the corresponding provided base classes.

We additionally provide three advanced usage examples of Jenga:


Jenga requires Python 3.6 and virtualenv. You can get the Jenga code running as follows:

  1. Checkout this git repository
  2. Create a virtual environment with python3.6 -m venv env
  3. Activate the environment with source env/bin/activate
  4. Install the latest version of pip with pip install --upgrade pip
  5. Install the dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt


Jenga is based on experiences and code from our ongoing research efforts: