
A microservice for retranslating Jira webhooks to a RabbitMQ server

pip install jira-rabbitmq-webhook==0.1.3


Jira RabbitMQ WebHook

This service works as a bridge between a Jira and a RabbitMQ instances:

  • receives HTTP requests from the Jira server;
  • sends them to the MQ server via AMQP protocol.


The service requires Python 3.5 or newer. Install and update using pip. Gunicorn is also required:

pip install jira_rabbitmq_webhook gunicorn


You need to create a configuration file for the service. Sample file can be found in config directory (it is copied to the config directory of your python environment after installation). Available settings:

  • web
    • url - URL used for receiving HTTP requests from the Jira instance
  • amqp
    • host - RabbitMQ host
    • port - RabbitMQ port
    • login - RabbitMQ login
    • password - RabbitMQ login
    • virtualhost - RabbitMQ virtual host to use
    • timeout - How many seconds the service tries to connect to the RabbitMQ server
    • ssl - Whether to use SSL for AMQP connection
    • default_queue - Queue to send messages to
    • custom_queues - Queues to send messages for specific events

You also need to configure Jira webhook to send requests to your jira_rabbitmq_webhook instance. For example if your jira_rabbitmq_webhook instance is launched on the host jrw.test.com and you configured "web"->"url" as "/webhook/" then you should set webhook address in your Jira instance as "http://jrw.test.com/webhook/" (or "https://jrw.test.com/webhook/" if you configured SSL for it).


The jira_rabbitmq_webhook service can be launched with the Gunicorn:

gunicorn "jira_rabbitmq_webhook.application:get_application('path/to/the/jira_rabbitmq_webhook.json')" --worker-class aiohttp.GunicornWebWorker