
Custom dashboard report for Jmeter

Jmeter, report, beautifulsoup, dashboard, jtl, pandas, python
pip install jmeter-metrics==1.0.6


Jmeter Metrics Report

Creates awesome HTML (dashboard view) report by parsing Jmeter *.jtl or *.csv file (Python + Pandas + Beautifulsoup)

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  • Sample Report link

How it Works:

  1. Read *.jtl or *.csv file (using pandas)

  2. Get 'label', 'success', 'elapsed', 'failureMessage', 'responseCode', 'threadName' values

  3. Convert data to html report using Beautifulsoup

How to use in project:

Install python

  1. Install jmetermetrics

    Case 1: Using pip

    pip install jmeter-metrics==1.0.6

    Case 2: Using (clone project and run command within root)

    python install

    Case 3: For latest changes use following command (pre-release or changes in master)

    pip install git+
  2. Execute jmetermetrics command to generate report

    Case 1: When log file name is result.jtl


    Case 2: When result.jtl file present under 'Result' folder

    jmetermetrics --inputpath ./Result/ --output result1.jtl

    For more info on command line options use:

    jmetermetrics --help
  3. Jmeter Metrics Report metrics-timestamp.html file will be created in current folder | -inputpath if specified

    Note: jmeter-metrics support *.csv file as well

Custom Report Name

  • Command to customize name of result file
    jmetermetrics -M regression_metrics.html

Exclude Table Results

  • From v1.0.2 users can exclude table results in metrics report using --ignoretableresult or -K command

    jmetermetrics -K True

    By default --ignoretableresult is False

Multiple csv/jtl support

  • From v1.0.2 metrics report support parsing multiple csv/jtl files

    jmetermetrics -0 "result.jtl,result1.csv,result2.jtl,result3.csv"

Custom Seperator in CSV/JTL file (delimiter)

  • From v1.0.5 metrics report support parsing csv/jtl file having custom delimiter (ex: | or __)

    jmetermetrics -S "|"

Customize Report

Specify Logo in Jmeter metrics:

  • Custom Logo : Customize your logo by using --logo command line option

    --logo "https://mycompany/logo.jpg"

Generate jmeter-metrics after execution

Execute jmetermetrics command after suite or test execution as follows:

  • Create .bat (or) .sh file with following snippet

    jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl &&
    jmetermetrics [:options]

    && is used to execute multiple command's in .bat file

  • Modify jmetermetrics command as required and execute .bat file

  • Jmeter metrics will be created after execution

Thanks for using jmeter-metrics!

  • What is your opinion of this report?

  • What’s the feature I should add?

If you have any questions / suggestions / comments on the report, please feel free to reach me at

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