
Saves a JSON fields SQLs cell to a file, or UPDATE it back

SQL, JSON, file
pip install jsc2f==0.1.3


JSC2F: JSON SQL Cell to File

This module contains functions to save a JSON cell from a MySQL or Mariadb database to a file in a nice and easy to use format. It can also upload JSON files back to the database.


JSC2FF can be installed by cloning the github repo or from PyPi.

pip install jsc2f

CLI Usage Example

  • download will save the JSON string from the SQL cell to a nicely formatted file for editing.
  • upload will update the cell with the JSON file
  • --where is used as a selector: --where "id == 3"
# Download a cell to a file
jsc2f download \
  --db-ip $database_ip \
  --db-name $database_name  \
  --db-password $database_password \
  --db-user $database_user \
  --filename $file_path \
  --table $table_name \
  -column $column_name

# Upload a file to a cell
jsc2f upload \
  --db-ip $database_ip \
  --db-name $database_name  \
  --db-password $database_password \
  --db-user $database_user \
  --filename $file_path \
  --table $table_name \
  -column $column_name
# jsc2f  --help
Usage: jsc2f [OPTIONS]

  Upload/Download JSON SQL Cell from/to a local file

  --where TEXT
  --table TEXT           [required]
  --column TEXT          [required]
  --db-name TEXT         [required]
  --db-password TEXT     [required]
  --db-user TEXT         [required]
  --db-port INTEGER
  --db-ip TEXT           [required]
  --filename TEXT        [required]
  --upload / --download  Upload or download  [required]
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

Python Module Usage Example

import jsc2f.lib as jsc2f

# Get data from SQL cell and write it to JSON file
jsc2f.save_to_file(filename=filename, host=db_ip, user=db_user,
                   password=db_password, database=db_name, column=column,
                   table=table, where=where, port=db_port)

# Get JSON from file and write it to SQL cell
jsc2f.update_from_file(filename=filename, host=db_ip, user=db_user,
                       password=db_password, database=db_name,
                       column=column, table=table, where=where,