Process jupyter cells into latex snippets

latex, jupyter
pip install jupro==0.16


Jupro: Process Jupyter-notebook into latex code snippets

This is a small tool to extract code and results from a jupyter notebook into latex snippets. It was mostly made to help us write Computational Analysis of Communication, our upcoming book on compuational social science, but maybe it can also be useful for others.



In the notebook, add tags to control how jupro processes the file

  • snippet:XXX will create a snippet named XXX
  • output:table or output:png will create a png or latex table file in addition to the text output

It is advised to do a 'restart and run all' before saving the notebook as jupro will take the notebook as is.


To create the snippets, install jupro and call it like this:

pip install jupro
python -m jupro INFILE

You can also call it from python (which allows you to change the output folder)

from pathlib import Path
import jupro
create_snippets(Path("test.ipynb"), out_folder=Path.cwd()/"out")


In latex, you can directly use a code listing package to insert the snippets. You can also use our codex.sty class which might or might not be useful for your purposes.