
jupyter extention to generate python modules

pip install jupyjet==0.2.2



Jupyjet is a IPython notebook extension to facilitate:

Practically speaking, for each notebook a python file is dynamically created:
ie - it generate python modules based of notebook content.


3 magics commands are exposed: %jet_beg, %jet and %jet_end

  • jet_beg: save all the content of the current cell and place it at the top of the file.
    It is supposed to contains imports / global variables.
    NB: Only one init is allowed and it must be the last line of the cell.

  • jet decl1 decl2 ...: save or update the declaration in the file.
    Classes, function and decorators are supported.
    Comments will be stripped.
    The file content is updated everytime the magic runs.

  • jet_end: save all the content of the current cell and place it at the bottom of the file.
    It is supposed to contain for example a ifmain block.
    NB: Only one init is allowed and it must be the last line of the cell.



Cell 1 - We declare here the header of the file

import numpy as np
pi = 3.14


And save it as raw content

Cell 2 - We create a few functions

def circle_perim(r):
	return 2 * pi * r

def circle_area(r):
	return pi * r**2

%jet circle_perm circle_area

And save them

Cell 3 - in the context of the notebook, we can run some experiement
We can then use these functions normally

print circle_perim(2.)
print circle_area(2.2)

The results won't be saved into the file

The coresponding generated file is:


import numpy as np
pi = 3.14

# --- JET BEG --- #

def circle_perim():
    return 2 * pi * r

def circle_area():
    return pi * r ** 2

# --- JET END --- #

So this python generated module can be called from other notebooks.

NB: comments are not saved in the genrated files.


Jupyjet is available on pip:

pip install jupyjet
pip3 install jupyjet

Enable the extension

Here is a small guide to activate the extension.

1. Create a jupyter profile

$ ipython profile create

It will generate a default profile file at: ~/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py.

2. Register Jupyjet as an extension (and other cool ones like line-profiler).

To do so add the following lines.

c.TerminalIPythonApp.extensions = [
c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = [
3. Enjoy =)