
a command line tool for parsing jupyter notebooks

jupyter, notebook, parser, plugins
pip install jupyter-parser==0.0a2



Build Status codecov

jupyter-parser is a jupyter notebook parser that attempts to gather information about the varying ways in which a notebook may be used. jupyter-parser has been tested on python 2.7.12 and python 3.5.2. The current plugins written to parse notebook files are found in the plugins directory and are described below...


  • CellsCorrectPlugin: determines whether or not cells are in the correct execution order
  • NotebookLibrariesPlugin: determines the modules imported from the notebooks (can be local)
  • NotebookSparkPlugin: uses a regular expression to search for any pyspark variables

Plugins are included in the constructor of the main parser(JupyterParser). This architecture is likely to be temporary as the goal of being language/file agnostic is in the future.

This library should be used with gist-dl in order to quickly download example notebooks from gist.github.com.


Install the project by downloading the project as a zip file or cloning the repository. After downloading the source, run the following command to install in the root directory of the project...

pip install -e .


jupyter-parser's functionality is currently fairly limited, but the following functionality is supported

command line argument/option functionality
--help list arguments/options for tool
--root specify the root directory to parse for files