
A Python package for generating a table of contents for Jupyter notebooks

pip install jupyter-toc==1.1.0


Jupyter Notebook ToC

This is a simple extension to generate a table of contents for a Jupyter notebook.

Basic Usage

import jupyter_toc

It will return something like this:

Table of Contents
- [Introduction](#introduction)
 - [Subhead](##subhead)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Development](#development)

Advanced Usage

You can pass arguments to customize the following:

  • title - The title of the table of contents.
  • depth - The maximum depth of headings to include in the table of contents.
  • make_hyperlinks - Whether to make the table of contents entries hyperlinks.
  • print_output - Whether to print the ToC or just return it as a string.


Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

To publish a new version to PyPI:

pip install twine wheel # if you don't have it already
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel # build the package
twine upload dist/* # upload to PyPI


Running Tests

The test suite can be run using Python's built-in unittest framework.

Navigate to the tests directory and run:

python -m unittest test_jupyter_toc.py

Or, if you're in the root directory:

python -m unittest tests/test_jupyter_toc.py
