
JWST NIRSpec Observation Visualization Tool

pip install jwst-novt==0.1.dev0


JWST NIRSpec Observation Visualization Tool (NOVT)

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The NIRSpec Observation Visualization Tool (NOVT) visualizes projected footprints for the NIRSpec and NIRCam instruments on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). It is intended to aid in planning NIRCam pre-imaging for NIRSpec MOS observations, by allowing simultaneous display and configuration of the NIRSpec and NIRCam fields of view for a given sky position.

Available modules

The NOVT package includes tools for calculating footprints and visibility timelines and tools for interactively configuring and displaying them. The dependencies for the interactive tools are much more extensive than the core tools require, so the package allows installation of the core tools without the optional dependencies required by the interactive tools.

See the online documentation for more information on the contents of the software modules.

Core tools: jwst_novt

The top-level package (jwst_novt) contains lightweight interfaces to the pysiaf and jwst_gtvt tools to compute aperture projections by target position and target visibility and position angle by date, respectively. This package may be installed and used directly to create inputs for preferred visualization tools (e.g. SAO DS9 or Imviz).

See the novt_tools notebook in the notebooks directory of the source distribution for an example of this usage.

Display and interactive tools: jwst_novt.interact

The jwst_novt.interact package contains tools to configure, visualize, and interact with the instrument apertures and visibility timeline in a Jupyter notebook context. A default application is provided that can be run in a local notebook server, or as a remote web application. STScI plans to serves this application for the public soon. In the meantime, the default application can be run locally by following the installation instructions below, then running the command:

$ novt

See also the novt_interact notebook in the notebooks directory of the source distribution for an example of using NOVT tools with the Imviz display tool in a custom notebook.

See the NOVT JDox article for usage information for the web application.


It is highly recommended that the user install the NOVT package into a virtual environment. For example, use conda to create and activate a virtual environment before following the installation steps:

$ conda create -n jwst_novt python
$ conda activate jwst_novt

Core tools only

To install the top-level package from source via GitHub:

$ git clone https://github.com/spacetelescope/jwst_novt
$ pip install -e jwst_novt

To install via pip:

$ pip install jwst_novt

Either method will also download and install the required software dependencies.

Core tools + display and interactive tools

To install the display and interactive tools along with the base package from source via GitHub:

$ git clone https://github.com/spacetelescope/jwst_novt
$ pip install -e jwst_novt[interact]

Or via pip:

$ pip install jwst_novt[interact]

Either method will download and install the additional required software dependencies for the interact module.


See LICENSE.rst in the source distribution for more information.


See CONTRIBUTING.md in the source distribution for more information.