
Python package to generate random strong password and OTP.

python, password, random, OTP
pip install k-pass==0.0.2



Python package to generate random strong password and OTP.


  • The package has a function named GenPass() which can generate random passwords and OTP which contains random UpperCase letters, LowerCase letters, Special and Numeric Characters.
  • By default the generated password will be a mixture of random UpperCase letters, LowerCase letters, Special and Numeric Characters, and the length will be also a random number between 16-32.
  • User can customize the password generation by passing some arguments to the generation function.
  • User can customize the password length by passing a numeric value to the length parameter.
  • There are other 4 boolean parameters to control the generated password's characters.
    • boolean upper parameter for UpperCase Letters.
    • boolean lower parameter for LowerCase Letters.
    • boolean special parameter for Special Characters.
    • boolean number parameter for Numbers.
  • By default, all the boolean parameters will be false. This will generate a random password consist of mixed characters.
  • To enforce custom charset, one should pass True value to the parameters regarding those charsets.


To install, write the following command in your terminal.

pip install k_pass


Import the function to your code.

from k_pass import GenPass
  • Generate a random password using default parameters.
password = GenPass()
  • Generate a random password of a fixed length(mixed characters).
password = GenPass(8)
  • Generate a random password of a fixed length and consist of only UpperCase letters.
password = GenPass(8, upper=True)
  • Generate a random password of a random length and consist of only LowerCase letters.
password = GenPass(lower=True)
  • Generate a random password of a fixed length and consist of only Numbers(i.e OTP).
password = GenPass(6, number=True)
  • Generate a random password of a random length and consist of only Special Characters.
password = GenPass(special=True)
  • Generate a random password of a fixed length and consist of only Special Characters and UpperCase letters.
password = GenPass(8, upper=True, special=True)


Wahid Sadique Koly


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details