Kafka Client with smarter protocol described, support for Gevent and tornado

Kafka, gevent, tornado, client
pip install kafkaka==0.5.0



a Kafka client which using easy described protocol tool, also be able to be used with Gevent and tornado.

WARNING: Under development, Now only support simple send method. Not support Python3.


Install using pypi:

pip install kafkaka

Install from source:

git clone https://github.com/wesdu/kafkaka.git
cd kafkaka
python setup.py install


simple block mode:

# coding: utf8
from kafkaka.client import KafkaClient
import time

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = KafkaClient("tx-storm1:9092")
    c.send_message('im-msg', 'hi', str(time.time()))
    c.send_message('im-msg', u'你好'.encode('utf8'), str(time.time()))
    print 'this will block'

using with Gevent:

# coding: utf8
from kafkaka.gevent_patch import KafkaClient
from gevent import spawn
from gevent import sleep
import time

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = KafkaClient("t-storm1:9092", topic_names=['im-msg'])
    print ''
    for i in xrange(50):
        c.send_message('im-msg', u'你好'.encode('utf8'), str(time.time()), str(i))
        c.send_message('im-msg', 'hi', str(time.time()), str(i))
    print 'this will not block'
    for i in xrange(50):
        c.send_message('im-msg', u'你好'.encode('utf8'), str(time.time()), str(i))
        c.send_message('im-msg', 'hi', str(time.time()), str(i))
    print 'but this will block'

you can set the number of max parallel connections by using pool_size param:

# coding: utf8
from kafkaka.gevent_patch import KafkaClient
from gevent import joinall

import time

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = KafkaClient("t-storm1:9092",
                    pool_size=10  # the number of max parallel connections.
    start = time.time()
    all = []
    print ''
    for i in xrange(50):
        all.append(c.send_message('im-msg', u'你好'.encode('utf8'), str(time.time()), str(i)))
        all.append(c.send_message('im-msg', 'hi', str(time.time()), str(i)))
    print 'this will not block'
    for i in xrange(50):
        all.append(c.send_message('im-msg', u'你好'.encode('utf8'), str(time.time()), str(i)))
        all.append(c.send_message('im-msg', 'hi', str(time.time()), str(i)))
    print 'but this will block'
    print time.time() - start

using with tornado:

# coding: utf8
from kafkaka.tornado_patch import KafkaClient
import tornado.ioloop

import time

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = KafkaClient("t-storm1:9092", topic_names=['im-msg'])
    start = time.time()
    print ''
    for i in xrange(500):
        c.send_message('im-msg', u'你好'.encode('utf8'), str(time.time()), str(i))
        c.send_message('im-msg', 'hi', str(time.time()), str(i))
    for i in xrange(500):
        c.send_message('im-msg', u'你好'.encode('utf8'), str(time.time()), str(i))
        c.send_message('im-msg', 'hi', str(time.time()), str(i))
    print time.time() - start
    print 'this will not block'