Tiny PyMongo model layer

pip install kale==0.2.3



Build Status

A convenient superclass and some helpers for stuff you want to keep in mongodb.

Note: The master branch should be considered unstable. Releases are tagged, so checkout a tag or use a release published on pypi for production.


PyMongo is awesome. Object-oriented data through model classes is awesome. kale tries to bridge those two, and get out of your way.

Why not just use PyMongo?

You should! It's awesome, and perfectly useable stand-alone. It keeps you connected to your data, and to mongo itself, and I think that's important.

Kale does not try to stand as a layer to hide PyMongo from you. It simply changes a couple things around to make more sense in the Model paradigm, and give you something consistent to build your models on. It extends PyMongo.

blah blah blah

about the paradigm, why I don't like other ORMs. explicit++; schema validation--.

Quick, Start!

This is not a tutorial on PyMongo. There's a decent chance that PyMongo alone is enough for you. Start there.

Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:51:14) 
[GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pymongo import MongoClient
>>> from kale import Model
>>> def super_insecure_hash(to_hash):
...     hashed = "".join(str(ord(c)) for c in to_hash)
...     return hashed
>>> class User(Model):
...     _collection_name = 'users'
...     _database = MongoClient().test_database
...     def __init__(self, username, password):
...         self.username = username
...         self.set_password(password)
...     def set_password(self, password):
...         pw_hash = super_insecure_hash(password)
...         self.pw_hash = pw_hash
...     def check_password(self, password_challenge):
...         hashed_challenge = super_insecure_hash(password_challenge)
...         return hashed_challenge == self.pw_hash  # true if they match
>>> alice = User('alice', 'abc123')
>>> alice.save()
>>> alice
<User: {'username': 'alice', 'pw_hash': '979899495051', '_id': ObjectId('513a4a99360e2e1697b81f15')}>
>>> del alice
>>> def login(username, password):
...     requested_user = User.collection.find_one({'username': username})
...     if requested_user.check_password(password):
...         return requested_user
...     else:
...         return 'Bad login!'
>>> faker = login('alice', '123456')
>>> faker
'Bad login!'
>>> real_alice = login('alice', 'abc123')
>>> real_alice
<User: {u'username': u'alice', u'pw_hash': u'979899495051', u'_id': ObjectId('513a4a99360e2e1697b81f15')}>
>>> real_alice.set_password('password')
>>> real_alice.save()
>>> User.collection.drop()

kale provides you with a base class for your own models. This base class subclasses python's dict, so it can be directly saved to Mongo.

You need to define two things in your models:

  1. _collection_name, a string specifying the collection where instances of your models should be saved to and loaded from.

  2. '_database', a PyMongo database instance.

Your model will be provided with four attributes you should know about:

  1. Model.save,
  2. Model.insert,
  3. Model.remove: These functions map almost directly to PyMongo's Collection.save, etc. However, they are inteded for use on instances of your model. So you don't need to pass anything to them. If you have an instance of something, you can just call save() on it, and it'll be saved.

  4. Model.collection: This attribute gives you a special version of PyMongo's Collection object, tied to the model's collection (specified with Model._collection_name!). The special part is that any documents retrieved from mongo will be instantiations of the Model.

    The Model.collection.raw() method will give you access to PyMongo's Collection for the model, unaltered.


  • Collection-level operations are accessible though the .collection, eg. MyModel.collection.find_one().

  • All documents returned through the collection will be instantiated as models. To get the raw json document, use raw(), eg. MyModel.collection.raw().find_one().

  • Document-level operations are ported down directly to the model, eg. MyModel().save(). The model's _id will be passed in where appropriate.

  • There is no model-level update, since it clashes with dict's update. Use save, or Model.collection.update(instance, ...).

  • The model-level remove is restricted to only remove the model's document.

  • No special ref support... yet.

  • Feedback and tests welcome!

  • Kale does its best to cast dicts to kale.AttrDict recursively when you instantiate a kale.Model, but it can't do magic -- If you do my_model_instance.listproperty.append({'some': 'dict'}), it will be a dict, not an AttrDict. However, if a document with this structure is retrieved from the database, dicts in iterables will be cast to AttrDicts (as of v0.2.1).



  • Added live-instance registry that ensure only one instance of a document's model exists in the program.
  • Added collectionmethod decorator.


  • fix some casting stuff


  • bugfix for casting dicts in iterables to AttrDict.