Cheat-sheets for shortcuts & commands at your fingertips.

cheatsheet, helper, hints, keybindings, shortcuts, tool
pip install keyhint==0.4.4



Utility to display keyboard shortcuts or other hints based on the active window on Linux. (GTK 4.6+ required!)

Tests passing License: MIT Code style: black Coverage Status

Keyhint Screenshot


  • Python 3.11+
  • GTK 4.6+ (shipped since Ubuntu 22.04) + dev packages:
    sudo apt-get install \
       libgirepository1.0-dev \
       libcairo2-dev \
       python3-gi \
       gobject-introspection \


  • pipx install keyhint (recommended, requires pipx)
  • or pip install keyhint


  • Configure a global hotkey (e.g. Ctrl + F1) via your system settings to launch keyhint.
  • If KeyHint is launched via hotkey, it detects the current active application and shows the appropriate hints.

CLI Options

Application Options:
  -c, --cheatsheet=SHEET-ID                 Show cheatsheet with this ID on startup
  -d, --default-cheatsheet=SHEET-ID         Cheatsheet to show in case no cheatsheet is found for active application
  -f, --no-fullscreen                       Launch window in normal window state instead of fullscreen mode
  -s, --no-section-sort                     Do not sort sections by size, keep order from config toml file
  -o, --orientation=horizontal|vertical     Orientation and scroll direction. Default: 'vertical'
  -v, --verbose                             Verbose log output for debugging


  • The config directory is ~/.config/keyhint/.
  • To customize existing cheatsheets, copy the corresponding .toml-file into the config directory. Make your changes in a text editor. As long as you don't change the id it will overwrite the defaults.
  • To create new cheatsheets, I suggest you also start with one of the existing .toml-file:
    • Place it in the config directory and give it a good file name.
    • Change the value id to something unique.
    • Adjust regex_process and regex_title so it will be selected based on the active window. (See Tips)
    • Add the shortcuts & label to a section.
    • If you think your cheatsheet might be useful for others, please consider opening a pull request or an issue.
  • You can always reset a configuration to the shipped version by deleting the .toml files from the config folder.
  • You can include shortcuts from other cheatsheets add include = ["<Cheatsheet ID>"]
  • You can hide a cheatsheet by add hidden = true in the top block (same level as id and title).


Cheatsheet selection:

  • The cheatsheet to be displayed on startup are selected by comparing the value of regex_process with the wm_class of the active window and the value of regex_title with the title of the active window.
  • The potential cheatsheets are processed alphabetically by filename, the first file that matches both wm_class and title are getting displayed.
  • Both of regex_ values are interpreted as case in-sensitive regular expressions.
  • Check "Debug Info" in the application menu to get insights about the active window and the selected cheatsheet file.

Available cheatsheets:

  • Check the included toml-files to see which applications are available by default.
  • Feel free submit additional toml-files for further applications.

Differentiate cheatsheets per website:

  • For showing different browser-cheatsheets depending on the current website, you might want to use a browser extension like "Add URL To Window Title" and then configure the sections in <cheatsheet>.toml to look for the URL in the window title.

KeyHint's shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+F: Start filtering
  • Ctrl+S: Focus sheet selection dropdown (press Enter to open it)
  • Esc: Exit KeyHint
  • , , l or k: scroll forward
  • , , h or j: scroll backward
  • PageDown: scroll page forward
  • PageUP: scroll page backward


I'm happy about any contribution! Especially I would appreciate submissions to improve the shipped cheatsheets. (The current set are the cheatsheets I personally use).

Design Principles

  • Don't run as service
    It shouldn't consume resources in the background, even if this leads to slower start-up time.
  • No network connection
    Everything should run locally without any network communication.
  • Dependencies
    The fewer dependencies, the better.
  • Multi-Monitors
    Supports setups with two or more displays
