
Kids VCS management library.

pip install kids.vcs==0.0.3



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kids.vcs is a Python library providing GIT helpers. Would have named it kids.git if it didn't messed everything with github.

It's part of 'Kids' (for Keep It Dead Simple) library.


using kids.vcs:

  • You can manage and access your git repository, commits, logs, or git config.


This code is python2 and python3 ready. It wasn't tested on windows.


You don't need to download the GIT version of the code as kids.vcs is available on the PyPI. So you should be able to run:

pip install kids.vcs

If you have downloaded the GIT sources, then you could add install the current version via traditional:

python install

And if you don't have the GIT sources but would like to get the latest master or branch from github, you could also:

pip install git+

Or even select a specific revision (branch/tag/commit):

pip install git+


Let's play with a new git repository, let's first create temporary directory:

>>> from __future__ import print_function

>>> import tempfile, os
>>> old_cwd = os.getcwd()
>>> tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> os.chdir(tmpdir)

Let's now create a real git repository:

>>> from kids.vcs import git

This first command will create a new directory and launch git init and and will return the new GitRepos object:

>>> r = git.GitRepos.create("repos",
...                         email="",
...                         name="The Committer")

You might also want to only use an existing directory and launch git init then use:

>>> r = git.GitRepos.init("repos")

Or, if wanting to use an already existing folder already initialised:

>>> r = git.GitRepos("repos")

By default, the current directory is used and the top-most git repository that contains the current directory will be used as the master git repository.

Avoid instantiating a non-existent git repository:

>>> git.GitRepos("/")
Traceback (most recent call last):
OSError: Not a git repository ('/' or any of the parent directories).

Git commands shortcut

Aside from all the helpers that will be exposed in the following section, a GitRepos object provides a handy .git attribute to directly tap on the git command line:

>>> print(r.git.rev_parse(is_bare_repository=True))

A few things to note:

  • the method name is the git command you want to launch
  • _ (underscores) are swapped for -.
  • there are 2 different way to use the methods:
    • provide one unique array of strings that will simply appended on the command line.
    • provide string positional arguments and keyword arguments:
      • keyword arguments are options... :
        • a double-dash will be added before the keyword if it is composed of more than one char
        • a single dash will be added before the keyword in cas it a single character keyword.
        • _ (underscores) are swapped for - in keyword name
        • and value is appended just after on the command line.
      • positional arguments are appended AFTER all the options...
  • the method return value is the space-stripped standard output of the command sent.

To illustrate this and the following points:

>>> print(r.git.commit(
...     message='new: first commit',
...     author='Bob <>',
...     date='2000-01-01 10:00:00',
...     allow_empty=True))
[master (root-commit) ...] new: first commit
 Author: Bob <>
 Date: Sat Jan 1 10:00:00 2000 ...

>>> print(r.git.tag("0.0.1"))
>>> print(r.git.commit(
...     message='new: second commit',
...     author='Alice <>',
...     date='2000-01-02 11:00:00',
...     allow_empty=True))
[master ...] new: second commit
 Author: Alice <>
 Date: Sun Jan 2 11:00:00 2000 ...
>>> print(r.git.tag("0.0.2"))

Access core informations

You can get interesting information fron the git repository itself:

>>> print(r.toplevel)

>>> r.bare

>>> print(r.gitdir)

Read git config

We can access the config thanks to:

>>> r.config

>>> print(r.config["core.filemode"])

You can also instanciate directly the GitConfig class:

>>> from kids.vcs import git

>>> print(git.GitConfig("repos")["core.filemode"])

Without any repository, it's the current repository that should be used, and if none, well it should answer as much as a normal git config would:

>>> git.GitConfig()["core.filemode"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'core.filemode'
>>> os.chdir("repos")
>>> print(git.GitConfig()["core.filemode"])

Git commit access

We can access interesting information per commit:

>>> r.commit("HEAD")
<GitCommit 'HEAD'>

And several information are available:

>>> print(r.commit("HEAD").author_name)
>>> print(r.commit("master").subject)
new: second commit

You can access to all of these:

>>> print(", ".join(sorted(git.GIT_FORMAT_KEYS)))
author_date, author_date_timestamp, author_email, author_name, body,
committer_date_timestamp, committer_name, decorate_string,
parent_list_string, raw_body, sha1, sha1_short, subject

There's a convienience attribute date also:

>>> print(r.commit("0.0.2").date)


You can get the list of tags:

>>> r.tags
[<GitCommit ...'0.0.1'>, <GitCommit ...'0.0.2'>]


You can access all commits via:

>>> list(r.log())
[<GitCommit ...>, <GitCommit ...>]

and provide wich commit ancestry to include or to exclude (see git log):

>>> list(r.log(["HEAD", "^0.0.1", ]))
[<GitCommit ...>]


Any suggestion or issue is welcome. Push request are very welcome, please check out the guidelines.

Push Request Guidelines

You can send any code. I'll look at it and will integrate it myself in the code base and leave you as the author. This process can take time and it'll take less time if you follow the following guidelines:

  • check your code with PEP8 or pylint. Try to stick to 80 columns wide.
  • separate your commits per smallest concern.
  • each commit should pass the tests (to allow easy bisect)
  • each functionality/bugfix commit should contain the code, tests, and doc.
  • prior minor commit with typographic or code cosmetic changes are very welcome. These should be tagged in their commit summary with !minor.
  • the commit message should follow gitchangelog rules (check the git log to get examples)
  • if the commit fixes an issue or finished the implementation of a feature, please mention it in the summary.

If you have some questions about guidelines which is not answered here, please check the current git log, you might find previous commit that would show you how to deal with your issue.


Copyright (c) 2019 Valentin Lab.

Licensed under the BSD License.