a micro web framework built for fun
- argument annotation
- jsonschema intergration
from klar import App
app = App()
def hello(name: str, times: int = 1):
return "hello " * times + name
run it using wsgi-supervisor
wsgi-supervisor app:app
$ curl 'localhost:3000/hello/klar?times=2'
hello hello klar
custom types using jsonschema
product = {
"type": "object"
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"price": {
"type": "number"
"additionalProperties": False,
def create(body: product, db):
return {"ok": True}
schemas can and should be imported from json or yaml files
product in schema.json
product: {...}
from schemas import product
def create(body: product):
dependency injection
provide a custom dependency using decorator
def get_db_connection():
conn = SomeDB(url="localhost:3349")
return conn
import redis
app.provide('cache', (redis.Redis, {'host': 'localhost'}))
using db
and cache
in request handler
def get_article(article_id:int, db, cache):
predefined components:
- req
- session
- cookie
- router
from resource import product, catalog
app = App()
app.resources(product, catalog, prefix="/v1")
if __name__ == '__main__':
in product
from schema import product
# curl -X POST $host/v1/product -d @body
def create(body: product, db):
return db.products.insert(body)
# curl $host/v1/product/$id
def show(product_id: str):
item = db.products.find_one({_id: product_id})
return item if item else 404
# curl $host/v1/product?shift=10&limit=10
def query(shift: int, limit: int, db):
return db.products.find().skip(shift).limit(shift)
# curl -X PATCH $host/v1/product/$id -d @body
def modify(body: product, product_id: str):
return db.products.update({_id: product_id}, {'$set': body})
# curl -X PUT $host/v1/product/$id -d @body
def replace(body: product, product_id: str):
return db.products.update({_id: product_id}, body)
# curl -X DELETE $host/v1/product/$id
def destroy(product_id: str):
return db.products.delete({_id: product_id})
custom method
from klar import method
def like(product_id):
return db.products.update({_id: product_id}, {'$inc': {'likes': 1}})
# curl -X PATCH $host/v1/product/$id/like
listening for an event
def not_found(req, res):
print('%s not found' % req.path)
res.body = "%s not found on this server" % req.path
custom events
def onlogin(userid, db):
print('user: %s logged in' % userid)
db.users.update({_id:userid}, {'$inc': {'logincount': 1}})
emit an event
def login(emitter):
emitter.emit('user-login', userid=id)
post processing
def jsonp(req, res):
callback = req.query.get('callback')
if callback:
res.body = "%s(%s)" % (callback, json.dumps(body))
res.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/javascript"
@app.get('/resource') -> jsonp:
return {"key": "value"}
more than one processors:
@app.get('/resource') -> (jsonp, etag):
return {"key": "value"}
template rendering
import templates.home
@app.get('/') -> templates.home:
return {"key": "value"}
accecpts an optional dict as argument
it's basically equivalent to this:
return templates.home({"key": "value"})
depends on pystache, pip install pystache
use .mustache
as extension
import templates.home
session depends on cache
, but klar does't has it builtin
to use redis as session backend:
import redis
def cache():
return redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
app.privide('cache', (redis.Redis, {'host': 'localhost'}))
use session
def login(body, session):
# check body.username and body.password
if founduser:
session.set('userid', userid)
def logout(session):
def admin(session):
if session.get('userid'):
cookies.get(key, default)
cookies.set(key, value)
cookies.set(key, value, httponly=True)
cookies.set_for_30_days(key, value)
serving static files
should only be used in development enviroment
app.static('/public/', 'path/to/public/dir')
config file path will be read from enviroment variable $CONFIG
if it's empty config.py will be loaded
mongo = {
"host": ""
"port": 27017
from pymongo import MongoClient
def db(config):
return MongoClient(**config.mongo)
reversed routing
def user(id:str):
get a link to previous handler
def another_handler(router):
href = router.path_for('user', id=3221)
custom json encoder
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
def encode_objectid(obj):
return str(obj)
by default Iterable
is converted to list