
A simple AST-based Python Template engine.

pip install knights-templater==1.3



One more Python templating engine won't hurt, surely?

This one translates templates into AST, and then into raw Python.

The syntax is reminiscent of Django's DTL, but within the tags it's almost raw Python.


Python 3.4+


Everyone loves a tainted benchmark, right?

I've forked to add knights-templates support.

Using Python 3.5.1 on Debian

  • Django (1.9.5)
  • Jinja2 (2.8)
  • knights-templater (1.3)
  • Mako (1.0.4)
  • Tenjin (1.1.1)
  • tornado (4.3)
  • wheezy.html (0.1.147)
  • wheezy.template (0.1.167)

Legend: msec : milliseconds per render rps : renders per second tcalls: total function calls funcs : distinct functions called

Performed on my old Core2Duo E8500:

len(items) == 0

01-initial         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            13226   7561     171     55
jinja2             2684  37257      29     23
knights             701 142644      20      9
mako               6138  16291      48     36
tenjin             1839  54391      34     23
tornado            2096  47709      36     20
wheezy.template     296 338407      15      9

02-include         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            35133   2846     430     72
jinja2            32744   3054     201     54
knights            1933  51726      43     17
mako              23634   4231     154     51
tenjin             6473  15449      99     29
tornado            2137  46804      43     20
wheezy.template     668 149604      30     14

03-extends         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            54128   1847     682     89
jinja2            37533   2664     273     59
knights            2424  41248      57     20
mako              34599   2890     230     65
tenjin             9829  10174     148     40
tornado            2266  44134      48     20
wheezy.template    1240  80674      48     19

04-outer           msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            54136   1847     682     89
jinja2            38920   2569     273     59
knights            2473  40433      57     20
mako              35532   2814     233     65
tenjin             9899  10102     148     40
tornado            2247  44498      48     20
wheezy.template    1261  79272      48     19

len(items) == 10

01-initial         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            85435   1170    1237     59
jinja2             8528  11726     120     23
knights            5696  17557     143     14
mako              10660   9381     137     36
tenjin             4492  22264     103     23
tornado            7041  14202     227     20
wheezy.template    1188  84155      74      9

02-include         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django           106752    937    1496     75
jinja2            33734   2964     292     54
knights            6603  15146     166     22
mako              28664   3489     243     51
tenjin             9312  10739     168     29
tornado            6999  14287     234     20
wheezy.template    1579  63314      89     14

03-extends         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django           129641    771    1748     92
jinja2            45724   2187     386     59
knights            7772  12867     229     25
mako              39965   2502     319     65
tenjin            12185   8207     199     37
tornado            6787  14735     239     20
wheezy.template    2112  47340     107     19

04-outer           msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django           155362    644    2228     92
jinja2            44932   2226     427     59
knights           11172   8951     339     25
mako              43095   2320     382     65
tenjin            14834   6741     277     40
tornado           10311   9699     349     20
wheezy.template    2642  37849     137     19
  • Note: wheezy.html has a C-optimised version of escape(). When not used it can impact their render speed from 20 to 50 %

  • Note: Jinja2 and Mako use MarkupSafe, which has C-optimised functions for escaping.