
This is a lightweight microframework for building restful APIs

rest, api, web, framework, micro-framework
pip install krull==0.0.2



This is a lightweight microframework for defining restful APIs in human readable docstrings.

Where it is currently

Currently krull is in alpha stages, and is constantly in flux. For now, it can be reliably used to route requests to views, either class based or function based, by defining configs within docstrings.

Where is it going

The core of krull is the definition of API schemas via docstrings. With that simple goal comes a very declaritve means for mapping API schemas to business logic. With that said, the roadmap is such:

  • Database and SQLAlchemy hookup
  • Declarative model 2 view serialization
  • Declaritive error handling
  • Declaritive validation
  • Declaritive documenation generation

The plan is to base the schema on Swagger specs so that we can generate a browsable API/ documentation that correctly maps and actually enforces parsing, validation, and serialization.


Function based views

from core import get_app
from responses import JsonResponse

app = get_app()

movies = [
    {"id": 1, "title": "Die Hard"},
    {"id": 2, "title": "Jurassic Park"},
    {"id": 3, "title": "Terminator"},

def get_movie(req):
    path: /movies/<int:movie_id>
    method: GET
    name: getmovie
    movie_id = req.path_params["movie_id"]
    movie = [m for m in movies if m["id"] == movie_id][0]
    res = JsonResponse({"data": movie}, status=200)
    return res

def post_movie(req):
    path: /movies
    method: POST
    name: postmovies
    movie = req.json
    if "title" in movie and "id" in movie:
        res = JsonResponse({"message": "success!"}, status=200)
        res = JsonResponse({"message": "fail!"}, status=400)
    return res

Class based views

Since endpoint expects to wrap a generic callable, it can also be used to decorate classes by moving the view routine to the __call__ method, like so:

class GetMovie:
    path: /movies/<int:movie_id>
    method: GET
    name: getmovie

    def __call__(self, req):
        movie_id = req.path_params["movie_id"]
        movie = [m for m in movies if m["id"] == movie_id][0]
        res = JsonResponse({"data": movie}, status=200)
        return res

class PostMovie:
    path: /movies
    method: POST
    name: postmovies

    def __call__(self, req):
        movie = req.json
        if "title" in movie and "id" in movie:
            res = JsonResponse({"message": "success!"}, status=200)
            res = JsonResponse({"message": "fail!"}, status=400)
        return res