
Various tools for automation at KTH

automation, kth, utilities
pip install kthutils==1.11


This package provides various utilities for automation at KTH. It provides the following modules:

  • kthutils.ug
    Access the UG editor through Python.

  • kthutils.participants
    Read expected course participants through Python.

  • kthutils.iprange
    Read IP ranges for computers in lab rooms.

  • kthutils.forms
    Read forms data (CSV) from KTH Forms.

We also provide a command-line interface for the modules. This means that the functionality can be accessed through both Python and the shell.

An example

We want to add the user dbosk as teacher in the group


In Python, we would do

import kthutils.credentials
import kthutils.ug

ug = kthutils.ug.UGsession(*kthutils.credentials.get_credentials())

group = ug.find_group_by_name("edu.courses.DD.DD1317.20232.1.teachers")
user = ug.find_user_by_username("dbosk")

ug.add_group_members([user["kthid"]], group["kthid"])

In the shell, we would do

kthutils ug members add edu.courses.DD.DD1317.20232.1.teachers dbosk

Installation and documentation

Install the tools using pip:

python3 -m pip install -U kthutils

You can read the documentation by running pydoc on the package:

python3 -m pydoc kthutils