
GlusterCS deployment tool

gluster, container, kubernetes, glustercs
pip install kubectl-gluster==0.9.5


GlusterCS Deploy tool

A tool to deploy GlusterCS in a existing Kubernetes cluster.

Install the tool in the Kubernetes master node using,

sudo pip3 install kubectl-gluster

Note: Python 2 support is not yet available


kubectl gluster deploy <config-yaml>

Example config file,

namespace: gcs
cluster-size: 3
    - address: kube1
      devices: ["/dev/vdc", "/dev/vdd", "/dev/vde"]

    - address: kube2
      devices: ["/dev/vdc", "/dev/vdd", "/dev/vde"]

    - address: kube3
      devices: ["/dev/vdc", "/dev/vdd", "/dev/vde"]


namespace    - Cluster namespace, useful when managing multiple
cluster-size - Number of nodes in Gluster cluster. Currently only 3
                   nodes are supported.
nodes        - Details of nodes where Gluster server pods needs to be
address      - Address of node as listed in kubectl get nodes(Use
                   `kubectl get nodes` to get the address)
devices      - Raw devices which are required to auto provision
                   Gluster bricks during Volume create

How it works?

kubectl gluster deploy does the following tasks based on the provided configuration.

  1. Generate the Cluster ID.

  2. GCS Namespace setup

  3. Etcd Operator setup and Etcd cluster setup

  4. CSI driver setup

  5. Monitoring Setup

Is this a Operator?

No. But this tool can be called from an Operator. It is easy! generate the config when CRD changes and call this tool from Operator pod.

How is it different from gcs/deploy?

This project also uses manifest files from the gcs project, but executes Kube commands directly instead of using ansible playbook.


  • Currently using kubectl command, instead use kubernetes client library.

  • Improve error messages and usability.

  • Use kubernetes watches instead of polling for pods status

  • Python 2 support

  • Support for RPM/Deb packages